Chapter 8

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~Awkward Moments and Promoting~

Toni's POV

It's been two days since that kiss that happened between me and Kristina and since then, she hasn't said a word to me

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It's been two days since that kiss that happened between me and Kristina and since then, she hasn't said a word to me. It's like she's been in a daze or something. I really feel like this is all my fault. I feel like I came onto her too strong and that caused her to pull away from me even more than before.

Since I've announced Kristina as my contest winner, my manager said that I've been getting a lot of interview requests from the top radio and tv show hosts to talk about the contest and introduce Kristina to the world, but I've been holding off on doing it because I wanted to give Kristina time to get situated first.

This morning, Kristina and I are being interviewed by Wendy Williams on her show. Kristina and I have yet to talk about what happened, but I'm hoping to talk to her about it before our interview. If I'm being one-hundred percent honest, I'm dreading this conversation because it could turn out good or bad. I don't want her to regret her decision about this contest. It's important that we talk this out before it gets swept under the rug.

"Toni, you've been standing in front of that mirror for twenty minutes. Are you okay?" My stylist asked with a worried look on her face.

"I'm okay. Listen, can you give us a second?" I asked referring to Kristina, who just finished getting her make up done across the room. I suggested that we shared a dressing room to make everything easier. We still had ten minutes before it was time for us to appear on stage, so I decided to use that time to talk to Kristina since we were both just waiting.

"Kristina, we need to talk." I said, making her look away from the mirror and over to me. I could tell she knew where this conversation was going.

Kristina's POV

I was afraid of this conversation happening

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I was afraid of this conversation happening. I mean I don't regret that the kiss happened. I'm just afraid of what Toni's gonna say about it. I honestly thought that it was too soon for this to happen, but it was so unexpected; there was no way to stop it before it did. I've been in a daze lately because of this whole situation. I just can't stop thinking about it.

"I'm listening," I said while giving her my undivided attention. I honestly didn't think this conversation would happen so quick. She paused for a minute. I can tell she was trying to choose her words wisely.

"Look, I'm sorry about what happened two days ago. I know it was in the moment thing for the both of us, but-" Before she could finish what she was saying, I cut her off. I really didn't want to hear her rejection right now.

"Listen Toni, you don't have to finish. I understand what you mean. It was just an out-of-the-blue moment for the both of us, and it can't happen again. We're two different people in two different parts of our lives, and there's no room for confusion. I get it," I said while looking away from her. It hurt like hell, but it's the truth.

"But-" she didn't get a chance to finish before there was a knock on the door.

"Yes?" She questioned before the door opened up and a woman with a headset on her head came in.

"Ladies, we're ready for you," she said as we made our way out of the room. She explained to us that Toni's gonna go out on the stage and be interviewed before they introduce me. We waited on the side of the stage while we waited for the introductions.

"I absolutely adore our first guest, and today she's here to talk about all of her latest projects that she has going on. Please welcome the fabulous, Toni Braxton." Wendy introduced her as the crowd went wild, and I watched as Toni went out and waved to the crowd. I can't lie and say that she didn't look gorgeous.

They went on to talk about Toni, and what's going on in her career and life

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They went on to talk about Toni, and what's going on in her career and life. I knew it wasn't gonna be long before I was called out on stage. A woman walked up to me and hooked up a mic to my dress.

"We would love to meet her. Please welcome the winner of Toni's contest, Kristina James." She said. I took a deep breath and walked out with a smile as I heard the crowd clapping and screaming. I hugged Wendy before sitting down next to Toni.

"It's nice to meet you, Kristina. I wanted to ask you how you felt when you found out you won the contest?" She asked with a smile.

"When I found out I won the contest, I was speechless. I honestly didn't think I was gonna win. I practically stalked the mailman to find out," I said making her laugh.

"So Toni, what was it about Kristina that made you realize she was the one?" She asked Toni.

"When I was watching her audition tape, she was something new and fresh. Plus, the song that she sang was an original. She wasn't star struck the entire time, and she made it clear that she wanted to show me her talent and not just tell me about it," Toni said seriously.

"So, the song that you sang was an original. Do you have a lot of songs that you wrote?" She asked me.

I actually do. I started writing songs and music since I was six years old. The first song that I ever heard that made me fall in love with music was one of Toni's songs, and I've been a fan since then. I never imagined I would be in this position right now, so I'm truly blessed." I said honestly.

"Which Toni song did you hear that made you fall in love with music?" She asked curiously. Toni looked at me for my answer with a smile as well.

"I first heard He Wasn't Man Enough. My mom was cleaning up the living room, and I was outside playing with my best friend and my brother. I came in the house to get something to drink, and the song had made it to the bridge, and I instantly fell in love with that raw and unique voice," I explained passionately.

"Do you think you could hear the song you auditioned with?" She asked me. I wasn't expecting this but I didn't mind at all.

"Sure," I replied before taking the guitar that they brought out for me. I took a deep breath and started singing, making the audience, Wendy, and Toni clap along.

Everyone cheered and clapped once I finished, making me smile wide. This really is a dream come true, and I'm having a blast.

"Stay tunes with more from Toni Braxton and Kristina James. Don't go away," she said into the camera before it went to commercial.

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