Chapter 10

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~Getting Played~

Kristina's POV

I licked my lips as I stared at the sexy vixen, standing in the doorway of my room with a sneaky smirk on her face

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I licked my lips as I stared at the sexy vixen, standing in the doorway of my room with a sneaky smirk on her face. She looked so beautiful in the black, lace lingerie she was wearing. A shiver ran through my body as her heels clicked against the floor as she came closer to me. I waited in anticipation as she straddled my lap.

I could feel the sparks that our lips made once they connected. The fight for dominance that our tongues created on their own as the kiss became harder and deeper created endless sparks. I held her hips tightly as she grinded herself against me. The loud moan that escaped my mouth filled the room as she moved her lips down to my neck and grinded harder.

The feeling of her lips going down my body was like a little kid on a sugar rush. It was as if I was in danger of getting a cavity. When she finally reached her desired destination, it was a feeling that I couldn't describe. Her to-

I woke up breathing heavily and sweaty from the dream that took over me last night. I rushed to the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror after splashing water in my face. I couldn't stop thinking about the dream that I had last night. The things that she did with her mouth to my body, alone. It felt so real as if it was happening in reality instead of fantasy.

It made me wish that we did finish what was started in the shower. I've never been with anyone in that way. I didn't know my body could react to something like that. It's like I never wanted her to stop. I sighed before drying my face and making my way downstairs where I heard Toni. She was in the process of cooking breakfast.

"Good morning," she said when she noticed me standing in the kitchen, watching her.

"Good morning," I said, trying to keep what happened last night out of my head.

"You slept good?" She asked with a knowing smirk on her face. She's such a damn tease. It was as if she knew what was happening in my room last night. It made me want to pray that I didn't moan loudly in my sleep last night, and she heard it.

"Yeah," I said awkwardly before sitting down on one of the bar stools. I watched as she started to fix the plates.

"So listen, we have a lot to do today, so as soon as we finish eating; we have to get dressed." She explained while taking a bite of her pancakes.

"Okay," I replied before we finished eating.

This girl that I came in with

That's my main

The one that's sharing these drinks

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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