Chapter 9

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Don't kill me. I know it's been a while😭😩

~The Confrontation~

Kristina's POV

Toni and I just finished our interview with Wendy Williams, and I had so much fun

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Toni and I just finished our interview with Wendy Williams, and I had so much fun. I had to admit that I was nervous when I had to perform my song, but when everyone started clapping for me, it made me so happy. Now, I understand what Toni meant when she said that performing was like a drug to her. Now, that it's over, I have to face reality. Toni and I do have to talk about what happened between us soon or later, and I was praying that it was gonna be later. I've been a fan of Toni for years, so I know that the prayer was not gonna be answered at the moment.

It's been uncomfortably quiet since we stepped foot off of that stage, and I hate it. I really hate that things are so awkward between us at this point. That's not what I want to this year to be about, so I have no choice but to put on my big girl panties and talk about this even though I'd rather avoid it for as long as I can.

"Kristina, we can't continue to ignore the huge elephant in the room. We really need to talk about this. How about we go out for lunch since we have some free time before our next interview," Toni explained as she fixed her makeup in the dressing room mirror. I'm tired of this unsettling silence between us, so why the hell not? We need to clear the air.

"I guess that's okay with me," I agreed. She grabbed her phone and proceeded to text someone.

"I asked my assistant to make us a reservation at Johnny Carino's. It's one of my favorite Italian restaurants, and I think you'll like it," she said as I nodded in understanding.

"That's fine with me," I replied as we gathered our things to leave. It was pouring down raining outside, so thankfully we had umbrellas.

"I love the rain. You know it means good luck," she said, making me raise an eyebrow. I don't know where she read that at or who told her that, but I hope she's right because we need all the luck we can get at this point.

Toni's POV

I decided to take Kristina to lunch, so we can clear this uncomfortable hostility between us. After we clear this up, I have to make sure I also talk to my sisters about they're rude behavior towards Kristina because I refuse to let them ruin this opportunity for her. I don't want her to have a bad picture painted of my family because they were judgemental.

We finally arrived at Johnny Carino's. We barely noticed because we were mainly in our own thoughts throughout the entire ride, so it was fairly quiet. We were most likely thinking about how this conversation would go because it honestly can go many ways. I just hope it goes better than we're both thinking.

"Hi, table for two." I said to the hostess. She grabbed two menus and led us to our table.

"Here are your menus, and your waiter will be here shortly." She said before giving us a friendly smile and leaving us at the table. We sat in silence just looking at our menus before she decided to break it.

"So, we're just gonna sit here like we don't have anything to talk about right now?" She asked a little annoyed. I was taken back by her tone because I wasn't expecting her to be that way towards me.

"Firstly, don't speak to me like I'm your child or something. I'm a grown ass woman, and I deserve some damn respect. Now, I asked you to have lunch because we needed to clear the air about what happened between us. Kristina, we kissed and made out. That's not something you just sweep under the rug," I explained. She was about to speak but was interrupted by the waiter coming to our table.

"Hi, I'm Mia, your waiter. Can I start you off with something to drink?" Our waiter asked as she took our her pen and pad.

"I'll just take a lemonade," Kristina replied.

"I'll have a glass of wine. Any kind of red wine would be fine," I said because I knew I needed it if we're gonna be having this conversation. I needed some type of liquid courage because this talk is already starting off on a bad note. She nodded in understanding as she wrote down our drink orders.

"Would you two like to start off with any appetizers?" She asked. I glanced at the appetizers on the menu for a second before I answered her.

"No, thank you but I believe that we're ready to order. I'll have the Shrimp Scampi with no Roma tomatoes and a ceasar salad for the side," I said before handing her my menu.

"I'll have the Seafood Fettuccine with Alfredo sauce and the baked potato soup for the side," Kristina said before also handing Mia her menu.

"Okay, I'll be right back with your drinks after I process your orders," Mia said before walking away. We sat in silence for a minute before Kristina broke it.

"Look, I'm not trying to sweep this under the rug, but I thought we already cleared this up before the interview with Wendy. I really don't want to talk about this anymore. It shouldn't have happened. End of story," She said with a pissed off look on her face.

"It's not the end of the fucking story, and we didn't clear shit up before that interview. The only thing that YOU made clear was the fact that you ASSUMED that it didn't mean anything to me without hearing my side of the story first. That's the fucking problem, you keep ASSUMING things before getting the TRUTH of the situation," I expressed, getting pissed off myself. She stayed quiet for a second as she thought about what I said. I didn't mean for it to come out that way, but I had to tell her the truth about how I was feeling.

"So, what are you saying?" She asked as she played with the straw of her drink that the waiter brought over. I was going to answer her, but the waiter came back with our food, and it looked amazing. I didn't realize how hungry I was until the food finally came. The rest of lunch was quiet with both of us in our thoughts.

One thing that I knew was that this conversation was far from over...

This is a two-part chapter! I love me some Johnny Carino's ESPECIALLY their baked potato soup!!😍🔥 Part two coming soon...

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