Chapter 3

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Kadie in mm

The Moment of Truth

Kristina's POV

I can't even explain how anxious I've been this past week. See, last week Toni tweeted about the contest. That all the participants will find out who won soon. It makes me hate the word soon. I mean I want to know how soon it will be. Tomorrow... Next week... Next month... I'm losing my mind here. I've basically been stalking the mailman all week.

"Just how many times do you plan on peeking out that window?" Mom asked amused. I'm glad she thinks this is funny. Note the sarcasm...

"That's not funny, mom. You know how important this opportunity is for me." I said a little frustrated as I sat next to her on the couch.

"I know that, sweetheart. You've been talking about it nonstop since Toni first announced it. I know that you're nervous. Just relax a little bit. Toni said that everyone will find out soon. Just be patient." She said causing me to relax a little bit.

"You're right, mom." I smiled before hugging her.

"I'm home, and I got the mail." Tristan yelled as he walked in the house.

"Gimme!" I yelled as I practically pushed my mom out of the way and almost knocking Tristan down.

"So much for being patient." Mom said, playfully rolling her eyes. I finally found the letter. It had Toni's name written across it with her beautiful handwriting. My nervous just went into overdrive. This was the moment I've been waiting for. A month and a half a waiting, and this was the moment of truth.

"This is it, ya'll. I'm so scared. What if I didn't get it? What if I blew it? What if-" I started to rant more before I was cut off.

"Just open the damn thing!" They both yelled at the same time. But, mama ended up slapping Tristan upside the head.

"I know you better stop all that damn cussing in my house, boy." She said as she mugged him.

"Sorry, ma." He mumbled as he rubbed the back of his head. I just rolled my eyes as I finally had the courage to open up the letter. I took a deep breath and read the letter.

Dear Kristina,

Congratulations, you are the lucky winner of the A Year With Toni Braxton contest. In the envelope there is one first class ticket to Los Angeles, California. Friday morning a car will be at your address at 9:00 a.m. Hope to see you soon.


I dropped the letter in shock. I can't believe it. I won the contest! I honestly didn't think I'd win since my entry was sorta last minute. This had to be fate. I can't believe I fucking won.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" I screamed making mom and Tristan run out of the kitchen and into the living room where I was.

"What happened? You hurt?" My mom said alert.

"Mom, I won the contest!! I won!" I exclaimed in excitement.

"That's fantastic, baby!" She said hugging me.

"When do you have to leave?" She asked.

"I leave Friday morning at 9." I said with a smile. I watched as her smile slowly dropped from her face.

"But, that's two days from now, Kris." She said sadly. Tristan didn't say anything. He just stormed upstairs and slammed his room door.

"Mom, don't look at it like that. We can still spend some time together before I leave." I explained.

"I know, baby. But, I still have to go a whole year without seeing you." Mom said with tears building up in her eyes.

"That's not true. We can FaceTime all the time. Plus, I can talk to Toni and make sure y'all can come and visit me. Everything will be fine." I tried to lighten the mood.

"You're right, sweetheart. I'm so proud of you." She said genuinely.

"Thanks, mom. Now, let me go talk to Tristan." I said before hugging her and going upstairs. I went to my brother's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in." I heard him mumble.

"Hey, bighead. I thought you would be happy for me. I'm finally gonna follow my dream." I said happily.

"It's not that I'm not happy for you." He paused as he sighed.

"I'm just gonna miss you, a lot." He explained.

"We can always talk on the phone and-" I started to say before he cut me off.

"It won't be the same," He said.

"You can come visit me too, Tristan. I'll make sure to come visit you. You're more than my big bro; you're my best friend. Plus, I'm leaving in two days. So, let's just enjoy the time we have now," I explained.

"You're right. Plus, if you blow up; I get the pleasure of being related to you." He said making us laugh.

"Whatever, bighead." I said playfully as I mushed his head. There was a few minutes of silence before I broke it.

"Tristan, I'm scared. I mean even though I got what I wanted; I'm afraid that it won't be what I thought it would. I may not be what they expect.

"Calm down, Kris. You won this contest because you earned it. Apparently you are what they expected because they chose you. They saw through more than your talent. They saw that you wasn't taking this as a joke. You put your heart into your talent. Don't doubt or second guess yourself. You did it because you are good enough," Tristan explained.

"Thanks, T." I said instantly calming down.

"It still seems so surreal, though." I said shaking my head.

"Have you told Kadie the good news?" Tristan asked.

"Not yet. I know she's gonna be happy for me, but I also know that she's gonna be emotional as hell." I chuckled.

"But, I'm seriously so proud of you, sis. Promise me that you don't loose sight of who you are. Just live in the moment, and never forget where you come from and where you're trying to go." Tristan stated.

"I promise I won't." I smiled as I gave him a hug. I knew that once I leave my hometown, my life would instantly change. It could be for the good or the bad. All I knew was that I was gonna enjoy what it had to offer as best as I could.

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