Chapter 4

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Tristan in mm

Today's The Day

Kristina's POV

These past two days flew by quicker than I thought

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These past two days flew by quicker than I thought. I've spent all that time with my family and packing as much as I could in between that time. I can't believe that later today, I will be leaving my home town to spend a whole year with my idol. It still feels so unreal. I still couldn't believe that this was happening.

I was in my room finishing up the rest of my packing when Kadie came in. When I told her when I was leaving; she was very upset, and it didn't end so well. But, I'm not mad because not only can nothing ruin my mood, but no matter what I love my best friend, and I can't let a petty ass argument ruin years of friendship.

"Hey," She said nervously as she stood by the door. I don't know why she's so nervous because as I said before I'm not mad at her.

"Hey." I replied as I folded the rest of the clothes that was in my closet and packing them in boxes.

"I can't believe today is the day that my best friend is leaving me." She said sadly.

"Well, it's not like I'm leaving forever. I'll make sure that I come visit and call as much as I can. You, my parents, and my brother can visit me too." I explained. After that there was a moment of silence. It was more awkward for her than it was for me.

"Listen, I'm sorry about the way I acted when you told me you were leaving so soon. It's just that I was scared that once you leave; you'll go to California and find a better best friend and forget about me." Kadie admitted with tears in her eyes. I couldn't help but feel bad. I walked over and we hugged. I was really gonna miss my best friend.

A few hours later....

"Kristina, it's time to go." My mom yelled from downstairs.

"Coming!" I yelled while grabbing my last suitcase. I looked around my now empty room. I'm really gonna miss it here, but knowing that I'm only going up from this point is making me happy about leaving.

I turned off my bedroom light and closed the door before making my way downstairs while dragging my suitcase behind me. Once I got downstairs, my driver grabbed all my bags and packed them in the trunk.

"I'm gonna miss you so much, baby." My mom cried as she hugged me tightly, cutting off my air supply.

"Mom, can't breathe." I wheezed out.

"Sorry babygirl, I'm just gonna miss you so much. Promise me that you'll have fun and take care of yourself out there." She said seriously.

"I promise, ma." I reassured her before embracing my brother in a hug.

"I love you, lil sis. Don't go changing on me." He said, causing the both of us to laugh.

"I won't. I love you, big head." I said before kissing his cheek. I looked over at Kadie and saw that she was crying.

"You know that we're more than best friends; we're sisters. You know I won't forget about you." I reassured.

"I know you won't. I love you sis." She cried before we gave each other a hug. She reached in her pocket and pulled out a small box and gave it to me. I opened it up and saw there was half a necklace.

"This is to show you that I'm there with you even though I'm not there physically

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"This is to show you that I'm there with you even though I'm not there physically." She said, making a tear fall down my eye.

"I love y'all. I'll call you once I've made it there safely," I said before getting in the car. I waved goodbye as the view of the house I grew up in became smaller and smaller until I couldn't see it anymore.

It's time to start my journey.

Toni's POV

"Trina, I asked y'all to come over and help clean up not drink up all of my wine

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"Trina, I asked y'all to come over and help clean up not drink up all of my wine." I said as I watch Trina drink her third glass.

"Tone, you know that she was not gonna help without her having any wine," Traci said laughing, making me chuckle.

I'm super nervous about Kristina coming, and I honestly didn't know why. I guess because this is so new and different for me to do. But, I also think it would be fun.

"Kristina will be here any minute now, and we're not even half way done with her room. This is very different for me, and I just wanna make sure she's comfortable while staying here." I said while I finished making up the bed in the guest room.

"I still think it's strange that you're letting a complete stranger live with you for a whole year, Tone. I mean you know nothing about this girl, and you already trust her enough to live with you," Trina said, making me mentally roll my eyes. She was being over dramatic.

"I know what I'm doing, Trina. My tigers mean the world to me, and this is my chance to show them how much. I get to help Kristina work towards her dream. This is a big opportunity for her. All I need you to do is be a supportive little sister and stop drinking all of my damn wine." I said before taking the bottle and the cup out of her hand and walking downstairs.

"I gotta go check on Kevin Jr. and the baby. So, I'll see ya'll tonight at dinner." Traci said before kissing our cheeks and leaving.

"Come on Trina, so we can finish cleaning before Kristina gets here." I said while grabbing the broom.

"I can't. I have to get to BarChix for a meeting with the workers because two of them got into a fight last night in front of everyone. They broke two tables and two champagne bottles." Trina said before kissing my other cheek and leaving.

Looks like it's just me.... Drake's 'God's Plan' it is.

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