Chapter 4 - Ouch!

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"Hey are you here yet?" I asked Taehyung impatiently while opening the door to the cafe. "Coming! Give me 3 minutes!" Taehyung answered, panting.

Taehyung's pov

Upon receiving the call, I immediately rushed over to the cafe Jimin had told me.

Jimin had always treated me like a slave for the past six years, but I know I'm his only friend so I have to give in to him.

But this time, I'm afraid I can't go to him everytime because I've just gotten a job as a clerk. Well, luckily for him, my supervisor told me I could go early because it was the company's 35th anniversary.

I ran to the cafe straight away after I got out of the building. When I reached the cafe, I saw Jimin sitting down at a table. He was frowning and was looking out of the window. I knew I was going to get a scolding from him.

"Jimin hyung! I'm here!" I said, out of breath. I quickly loosen my tie and sat down opposite him. "Tae, you're late by 22 seconds!" Jimin angrily stared at me. "Sorry Jimin-ah, you know I've gotten a job. I have to work! Okay let's place our orders first, then you can tell me about your day," I told him, taking out a tissue paper to wipe the perspiration on my forehead.

Lucky for me, Jimin nodded and quickly raised his hand to signal a waiter. After placing our orders, Jimin turned to me and uttered," Well, I thought you got a girlfriend and that's why you were late." His frown slowly curved up into a smile.

"Yahhh I don't even have enough time for you, how would I have time to spare for dating?" I laughed, "I should be asking you if you've gotten a girlfriend!"

"Haha I wish! Now I have no job AND no girlfriend, so pathetic," Jimin said. "But you have me, don't you?" I said as I leaned in for a kiss. Jimin gently slapped my cheek and gave me his eye smile. He laughed and said, "Hey, your gay is showing!"

We had a really good and long laugh. Then Jimin started telling me about his day full of rejection. I was used to it though.

Miyoung's pov

"Take this to table 7."
I carried the tray with hot coffee and tea and steadily walked over to the particular table.

3rd pov

Jimin saw his shoelace untied and instantly bent over to tie them. What he didn't know was that Miyoung was also coming in his direction. Miyoung was looking only at the hot coffee and tea as it was filled to the brim. She did not want to spill it.
Jimin and Taehyung were sitting at Table 5 so Miyoung had to walk pass them to get to Table 7.

Jimin was about to get up when... "Ahhhhh!!!"

Miyoung's pov

"Ahhhhh!" I tripped over something and fell onto the floor. The tray in my hands landed on the floor and the hot beverages landed on something. "Ahhhhh! My back!" I heard someone scream. I looked behind me and saw a man screaming.

The beverages had landed on his back! The beverages were very hot and scalded the man's skin. His shirt was soaked and his skin was turning red. I covered my mouth with both my hands and sat down in shock.

"You alright?" Another man came to that scalded man and helped him up. "Hey you!" The scalded man looked up and glared at me, "You pabo! I want to talk to your manager! Bring him here now!"

I stood up and apologised to him. "Mianhae! I didn't see you!" I said profusely. "What is it?" My manager heard the noise and came. "Hey you! Are you the manager of this cafe?!" The scalded man pointed at my manager and furiously stared at him. "Yes, I'm the manager of this cafe. What happened?" my manager worriedly asked and glared at me. He must have figured out.

"That waitress of yours poured hot beverages on me! That pabo! Don't you have eyes?!" The scalded man complained and looked at me and gave me a death glare. I didn't dare to look at both of them.

"I'm very sorry. How can I help you now?" my manager apologetically asked. "Tell her that she has glasses for a reason. That blind bish!" the scalded man pointed at me. Then the another man brought him out of the cafe and headed to the road outside.

My manager glared at me and shouted, "See me in the locker room!" I quickly took a cloth to clear up the mess on the floor. Then I scurried to the locker room. I saw my manager standing there with arms folded. If looks could kill, one look at his face would instantly make you dead. He was angry. Really angry.

"Miyoung-ssi! How many times must I tell you to be careful? You're so clumsy!"

"Sorry, it was an accident because the man was t-"

"Don't give me excuses, young lady!"


"No 'buts'. I'll deduct your pay for today to pay for the broken cups. "

"Mr Jung, you know I have to pay for school fees!"

"You can only blame yourself for being so clumsy!" And he left. I was left alone, crying, in the locker room.

Jimin's pov

"Ugh! Now I'm wet and in pain!" I complained to Taehyung. "Yah don't worry! Let's go to my apartment and take a shower to clean yourself up," Taehyung smiled and suggested. I'm happy to have a friend like him!

We got to Taehyung's small apartment and I took a shower. Then I changed into Taehyung's clothes. Taehyung went to the convenience store nearby to get some ointment to treat my burn.

I walked to the living room and sat down on the sofa. I started thinking about the previous incident. "Hmph! That girl! Such a clumsy girl! If I see her again I'll make her pay for all this pain!" I mumbled.

~To be continued~

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