Flowers and Skulls: Chapter 37

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After a few more seconds of frozen silence Mr. Lanskull finally spoke.
"Well Mrs. Summers I have nothing against homosexuality I just think that Julie expressed it in a rather unsophisticated manner." Mr. Lanskull said nervously.

"You could have just told them to sit down." Julie's mom protested.

"That's what I said!" Roxy exclaimed suddenly.

"Roxy behave!" Her mother scowled her rebellious child.
"There's no need to yell at Roxy Ms. Toga she's just standing up for what she believes." Julie's mother explained.
"Do not tell me how to discipline my child!" Roxy's mother fired back.
"Well I don't think Roxy needs to be disciplined at all she seems like a very nice child." Julie's mom pointed out as she smiled at Roxy.
"Calm down everyone." Mr. Lanskull sternly said trying to calm down the angry women.

"I am calm!" Roxy's mom yelled.

"Sure you are." Roxy laughed sarcastically she heard Julie chuckle next to her.

"I think a fair punishment would be detention for two weeks." Mr. Lanskull announced.

"Ha I'm used to it!" Roxy said to herself.
"Well if you must I guess that sounds reasonable." Julie's mother agreed still not satisfied.
"Well than Julie and Roxy your dismissed to go back to class." Mr. Lanskull assured them.
"Oh great!" Roxy sighed with anger. Everyone stood up and exited the office.
"Roxy I want you to come straight home if your even a second late I will call the cops!" Her mom warned her.
"Yeah, yeah i gotcha!" Roxy said sarcastically under her breath.
"I'll pick you up later dear okay?" Julie's mom said to her daughter with compassion.
"Okay mom...I love you." Julie replied sweetly giving her mother a hug. For the first time Julie actually felt close to her mother.

"I can't believe you would do such a thing!" Roxy's mom continued to yell at her daughter. As soon as Roxy had entered the door her mom began screaming at her.
"When you said you were gay I told myself Denise she's still your child. When you started doing drugs I said to myself she's still your child. And even when I found you having sex with a girl at my Christmas formal last year I said to myself Denise she is still your damn child! But now your corrupting other people's sweet children I can't take it anymore!" Roxy's mother screamed at the top of her lungs. Roxy decided to take out her phone and text Julie.

"Put that god damn phone down." Her mom hollered.

"Chill mom!" Roxy yelled back as she put the phone back in her pocket.
"That's it Roxy I'm putting you on full house arrest!" Her mom shrieked. Full house arrest was worst than being without a house. Since Roxy's house was so huge they had extra security and with a click of a button her mom could lock down the whole house. All of the windows and every door in the house. Even Roxy's door. It also cut off all technology in Roxy's room.

"Hand over the phone!" Roxy's mother demanded her. Roxy handed her mom the phone.

Pssssh good thing she doesn't know that I have like two more upstairs hidden. Roxy thought to herself.
Her mom walked over to the other side of the room and clicked a small silver button in the corner.
"Now go to your room!" Her mother commanded. Roxy dragged herself up the long stairwell and into her room. Once in her room a loud beeping sound went off signaling the security systems were on. Roxy walked over to her giant bed and pulled out a box from underneath it. In the box there were two shiny phones one red and one black. She took the black phone out and began pressing the keys to call Carmen.
"Haha yo Car yeah my mom put me on lock-down I need your assistance." Roxy laughed slyly when Carmen picked up the phone.
"Damn Rox what did you do your not on drugs again are you?" Carmen questioned suspiciously.
"Haha nah Julie came out and my mom found out." Roxy explained.
"Oh haha I'll be over in like ten minutes okay?" Carmen assured her.
"Haha okay bye." Roxy replied hanging up the phone. Roxy's mom always liked Carmen since she was that got help for Roxy when she was using. Roxy walked over to her bed and waited.

Julie and her mom sat in their small living room talking. Julie was still in complete shock that her own mother had announced her sexuality in front of the principal.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Julie questioned her mother. This questioned had been haunting her all day and she was dying to find out.
"I was afraid that you wouldn't consider me your mother anymore."Julie's mother replied.
"What do you mean by that you'll always be my mother." Julie assured her.
"I know but telling your daughter your gay isn't an easy thing to do." Her mom tried to explain.
"Is that why you and dad got a divorce?" Julie asked.
"Yes dear...ever since I was a teenager I tried to make myself become straight. Your father and I both knew that I was meant to be with a woman and we both made the tough decision to get a divorce. It wasn't easy but we're both happy this way." Her mom finished with a sigh of relief.
"Are you dating someone?" Julie asked her mother.
"As a matter of fact my girlfriend Trisha and I have been dating for about ten years now." Her mom laughed silently.
"Ten years!" Julie exclaimed in surprise.
"Yes ten years you want to see a picture of her?" Julie's mother asked pulling out her silver phone.
"Yes!" Julie yelled with joy. Her mom began pressing buttons on her phone and showed her a picture of a woman in her late thirty's with long black hair, grey eyes, beautiful snow white skin,ruby red lips that were formed into a smile, a curvy frame that was covered with a red and black camisole with a black black jacket on top of it. The woman was sitting in what looked like a bar and clutched a brown bottle of beer in her black painted nails.
"Wow mom she's beautiful!" Julie exclaimed.
"Haha I know right!" Her mom laughed the way teenage girls laughed when they were in love. Suddenly their doorbell rang and her mom got up to answer it. There standing on their doorstep was Roxy...

Flowers and Skulls (lesbian story) *IN PROCESS OF EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now