Chapter 2

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Sorry for the late update! 

Song: Bird Set Free by Sia

Trying to explain the move to Silas and Jasper turned out to be much easier than expected. Not only do they not understand the significance, they don't seem to care much at all. Clay, on the other hand, is a different story. After a fit of anger, he proceeded to ignore me for the rest of the day, going as far as hiding my suitcases. But after anger came a begrudging acceptance that ended up with me listening to an hour-long lecture on the does and don'ts of moving back to Great Falls, Montana. Mostly the does though. Not long after, I found myself in a mountain of things, trying to figure out what to bring with us. I was hoping that if all goes right, I would be able to move back here but things don't seem to be going that way. Until everything gets sorted seeming as my mother isn't known for being factual, liking to embellish and exaggerate things, I think taking all the necessities will be fine. The townhouse we live in right now with Clay is an old property of his grandparents that's been paid off so we'll always have a place if we decide to move back. More than anything, I'm worried about how the boys will fare, moving to a small town without their uncle Clay. The boys have grown very attached to Clay, seeing him as a father figure that they can go to when they don't want to tell me something. It'll be hard for me as well. Clay has become a huge part of my everyday life and was my backbone for the first couple years when I was still settling and coming to terms with my new life. It will be hard but I can't rely on Clay anymore. I'm stronger now than I've ever been in my life and I'll be damned if that changes. The new Payton isn't scared to defend herself and speak out when it's right. Okay well, that hasn't been testing yet but more or less, that is how I've imagined it to go.

Busying myself with packing, I find that I own a lot more things than I ever thought. From countless blouses and blazers to my cherished sweatpants and sweaters, I know that the boxes I have won't be enough for my stuff let alone the billions of toys the boys have accumulated over the years. Yes, I said necessities but toys to keep these boys occupied are what allow me to accomplish anything these days. I'd say that makes them at the top of my packing list. A list which consists of basic things that I will no doubt forget and have to buy again. Such is the life of a person who would no doubt forget to eat if not reminded by her stomach. Speaking of which, a girl is hungry meaning that a girl's children are no doubt hungry as well.

"Who's down for a pb&j?"

Not even a second later I can hear the telltale sound of feet slapping the ground in a mad rush to the kitchen.

"Mommy I want, I want!"

"Me too me too I want more than Si!!"

"No mommy I want ten times more than Jassy!"

"I want bisdndfkd time more than Si!"

"Well I want -- 

"Okay that's enough, you both will get one sandwich each, no complaining!" I say, quite calm, having been accustomed to their content banter and competition. It usually begins with Jasper who's alpha male personality makes him feel like he's better and should get more. Poor Silas will have none of it and challenges his brother at every step, constantly trying to show his brother that he's just as good. It's hard to tell which one of them carry the alpha gene, only time will tell. I small, selfish part of me hopes that the wolf gene somehow skipped a generation so we can leave the past behind and move on with our life. But somehow I just know that it's in them and at one point in their lives they're going to need to be in a pack or around other wolves. Maybe Great Falls will provide an opportunity to slowly integrate them into werewolf society. I've been thinking of contacting them. Not because I have the particular desire to rekindle, I just want to see if they would like to be part of the boy's lives and if they could teach them the works of being a shifter. I, of course, have to interrogate them and do a test run before they can actually be apart of their lives. I'm not taking any chances and will not subject my boys to the same rejection. Speaking of rejection, these impatient rugrats might reject me as their mother if a sandwich isn't placed in front of them in the next minute. Getting to work, I gather the bread and go through the tedious task of peeling off the crust part surrounding the bread because god forbid someone give them bread with crust. With a roll of the eye, I slather the smooth peanut butter onto three slices and the strawberry jam on another three and slap each together to create the perfection that is pb&j. Setting the plates on the kitchen table, I settle in along with the boys and enjoy our late lunch. 

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