Delicate Façades

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A/N: I know I'm not the best writer, not even remotely close but I have way too many thoughts running through my mind and I really hope this idea of mine pans out. I haven't written anything in over 5 years so my writing isn't the greatest but I try. Anyways here's to Olicity!

Oliver knew he was stepping into dangerous territory with this ruse but it was the only option available; one Felicity agreed to be part of, or rather volunteered to be a part of. He knew the only way to stop Carrie Cutter was to put on a show; to use his status as Oliver Queen to lure her into a trap, in order to end the havoc she has wreaked upon Starling City.

With a silent tension in the air, Oliver and Felicity pause before making their way into the gala they had been invited to. It was the perfect place to convince the world that Oliver Queen, the playboy billionaire of Starling City was in a real relationship. For the past three weeks, Oliver and Felicity had been pretending to be in love with each other - not that it had been too difficult, seeing as they both had feelings for each other, feelings that they both refused to acknowledge - but the time had finally come to step up their game and make it believable; to convince everyone that their relationship was serious.

Before entering the beautifully lit mansion, they both take deep breaths - there was no turning back now. Oliver pauses and takes a moment to admire Felicity's stunning appearance - something he never let himself notice until this mission. Although he knew that there was a potential of something real for him and Felicity, he had previously avoided it at all costs, to keep her safe. Oliver felt a tightness in his chest realizing that the thing he worked so hard to keep from happening would fall apart in the next few moments. Forcing himself to pull his gaze away from Felicity in her form fitting red dress, he swiftly places his hand on the small of Felicity's back causing her to shiver slightly as she's propelled forward, into the mansion, by Oliver's embrace.

Inside, Oliver leads Felicity to the dance floor, guiding her with his lithe body, their eyes interlocked with each other the entire time. As they swayed in unison to the music, he knew it was time. Slowly, he pulls Felicity in close, his hands cupping her face. Taking a deep breath, Oliver leans in, his mouth almost touching her ear.

"Okay, it's time" he whispers, causing Felicity's breath to hitch slightly. In order for the facade to work, they'd have to be completely believable even if it meant crossing certain lines that could have the ability to change the future of their relationship.

Oliver pulls back enough to admire Felicity's features and notices her furrowed brows, something that only happened when she was worried. Almost unconsciously, Oliver finds himself smoothing them out and watches as Felicity lets out a shaky breath.

"It's going to be okay" he murmurs quietly, to which Felicity responds with a nod and a soft smile.

Before Oliver had a chance to back out, he presses his lips against Felicity's soft lips. First slowly, then with a surge of desire the kiss deepens and the world around them begins to melt away.


A thousand emotions are running through my mind, as Oliver smooths the crease in my brows. I had worked so hard to keep my emotions in check, throughout the entirety of this mission but my walls are beginning to slowly crumble, my resolve weakening with Oliver's every touch. To be with Oliver in this way felt surreal, in fact it was surreal because it is not true. Something I had to remind myself repeatedly of. Despite my turmoil I would do anything for Oliver - anything to help him save this city - even if it meant hurting myself in the process. The love I have for Oliver is unparalleled to anything I've ever experienced before but with a heavy heart I know this is all a facade, a facade that has every chance of breaking me and changing the dynamic of our relationship permanently.

In the midst of my panic I hear Oliver whisper something about everything being okay and then his lips are on mine, tentative and gentle at first, allowing all my thoughts to quickly melt away. I find myself falling, free falling into Oliver's tender kiss. Suddenly the kiss deepens and something in Oliver shifts, there is a visceral hunger emanating from him and I find his hand's exploring my body, one hand tangled in my hair and the other pulling me tighter into his embrace. With his tongue exploring my mouth, I hear myself gasp and it only works to fuel Oliver's hunger. Without permission, I find my hands working their way up Oliver's chest, stopping briefly to graze his stubble and then continuing upwards until they are tangled in his soft golden brown hair. Every touch is electric, causing shivers to run down my spine and heat to run through my veins and then everything stops. Oliver pulls back as if he'd just been shocked by electricity and that's when I notice everyone staring our way.

"Oh my god!" I squeak both in embarrassment and surprise. The kiss was never intended to be that heated or intense.

I look at Oliver and see that his expression mimics the surprise I feel. All at once Oliver is down on one knee holding out the ring I knew was hidden in the seams of his jacket.

Everything hits me all at once, my mind a mess of emotions, my heart bursting with confusion and love for the man kneeling before me - a love that I thought would never be reciprocated until the kiss. If Oliver was faking that kiss, he sure was an impressive actor because he fooled even me. There definitely was no coming back from this. I feel a tear slip down my cheek as I stand there dumbfounded and overwhelmed by the situation that just played out.

Oliver looks up at me with a look of worry in his eyes, as he sees the tears rolling down my cheek.

"I'm okay Oliver, everything will be okay" I say barely audible and Oliver nods almost imperceptibly.

Even though I know that all of this was a farce, my heart begins to pound furiously as Oliver asks what he asks next.

"Felicity Megan Smoak will you marry me?"

I sigh softly and manage to plaster a smile on my face, despite all the emotions flooding through my bones "Yes."

Oliver places the ring on my finger and places a sweet kiss on my forehead. I try to hold back the tears that threaten to spill out and focus on the cheering and applause emanating from the crowd.

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