Avenging Heroes

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Hey lovelies! I'm sorry I took a little longer than expected to write this chapter, I've been a little preoccupied so this is not the best chapter and it's possibly very messy (especially the beginning) so please let me know if anything is confusing and  I'll try to come back and fix any mistakes or inconsistencies. I also suck at action so this will be a short chapter.  Anyways I hope you like it! (:

UPDATE: I was really unsatisfied with this chapter so to anyone who has read it already I apologize for the confusion that was this chapter. I have made drastic changes to help the flow of the story and I hope it makes it better. 

2 Days Earlier


"Damn it, Diggle we need to find her" I yell in frustration, knocking down the table closest to me. 

Knowing Carrie Cutter is still roaming the streets leaves me on edge, especially with the mirakuru still in her system. My failure to apprehend her, once again, has put everyone around me in more danger than they've ever been before and I'm determined to use everything I have in me to find her and put an end to her insanity once and for all. But despite keeping a close eye on everyone who Cutter may target, I still feel as if I'm not being careful enough and that thought alone has been eating away at me with a brutal intensity. 

Digg's hand on my back snaps me out of my brooding. "We will find her Oliver but maybe we should call Felicity for help?" he suggests, his tone soft. The mention of Felicity's name brings a sharp pain in my lungs, the muscles in my body tightening in response. 

"Absolutely not Diggle" I choke out leaving no room for discussion. 

Ever since Felicity decided to stay in Central City, everything in the Arrow cave seems meaningless and vacant and I have found myself getting lost in my search for Cutter to avoid letting my emotions consume me. I've had to table my feelings for Felicity and in the process I've lost my mind trying to figure out the whereabouts of Cupid. I can't help but think things would be different if Felicity were here, but she's not and it was my decision not to tell her about Cutter. She's safer in Central City with Barry and the team and that's all that matters. The only relief I get from being apart from Felicity is knowing that Cupid is blind to the fact that Felicity is still alive - and I prefer to keep it that way.

"Okay man but you should really go home. Get some sleep. We will try again tomorrow" 

I nod reluctantly and head home to the Queen mansion. 

When I arrive at the mansion, it is unusually quiet. I call out for Thea but I don't get a response. Worry starts to pour into my system and I run up the stairs to Thea's room but to my dismay she's not there. I reach for my phone but before I can dial her number my phone is ringing. 

"Thea? Where are you?" I say, the words spilling out without hesitation. 

"Hello, lover. It seems your lovely Thea can't come to the phone right now" a voice drawls and I freeze. No, this can't be happening. Not again. Roy was supposed to be with Thea, protecting her. 

With the phone still pressed to my ear I walk through the mansion and that's when I see him. Roy was on the kitchen floor, a tranq dart in his leg. I let out a sigh. At least he wasn't hurt. 

"Let Thea go" I growl into the phone, my mind working a million miles a minute. 

"Not until you come to me. Alone. I want you and no one else. If you come with anyone else or you try anything I will end Thea before you even have a chance to say goodbye. Oh and while I have you, you might as well know that I have your precious Laurel with me - and her feisty little sister" Cutter purrs, her words making me sick to my stomach. 

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