The Wedding

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I stand at the alter in anticipation, my heart pounding furiously in my chest. The room is small, not that it matters. No one is going to be attending the wedding anyways, just Felicity and I. The day has finally arrived, the day that this mission will come to its end and Cupid will be brought to justice. My body is filled with nervous energy, not because I'm worried about bringing Carrie Cutter to justice but because I'm afraid of what will happen when I see Felicity standing in front of me - in her wedding dress.

Over the past few weeks, I've had to confront my feelings for Felicity, feelings I've worked so hard to ignore. There is no avoiding them now, not after everything Felicity and I have been through. With every moment we've shared, my feelings for her have only grown stronger and it's getting harder to conceal. I can't help but wonder if I had been wrong all along; if it is possible to be the Arrow and still be happy. With Felicity, everything is different. I don't have to change her or save her, if anything she's saved me - more than once. She's seen both sides of me and still chooses to trust me, to risk her life to be part of my crusade. This mission has shown me that Felicity is my happiness, one I can't live without and maybe I don't have to.    

I hear Digg's words in the back of my mind: I don't think love is about changing or saving a person. I think it's about finding the person who's already the right fit.

I smile softly, maybe Digg was right this whole time, maybe Felicity is my right fit.

Just then, I hear Digg's voice ringing through my ear. "The perimeter is secure, Felicity should be entering any minute now. I'll be looking out for any trace of Cupid."

Thanks to the help of Detective Lance, the building has been evacuated - with the exception of Felicity and I - and has been infiltrated with undercover cops. 

"Okay, thanks Diggle" I reply and suddenly the doors are opening.

Felicity walks through in a floor length white dress and it's almost as if time stops. Her hair is pulled into a low bun, stray strands framing her face in a way that makes me want to run my fingers through them. She looks absolutely radiant standing in front of me, a smile escaping her lips and I can't seem to pull my gaze away from her. I'm awestruck, my mind whirling with a million different emotions, longing for this moment to be reality rather than a moment of fiction.

"Is there something wrong? Is there something on my face" Felicity asks, her voice filled with worry.

"No, you look absolutely beautiful Felicity"

"Thanks, so do you. Well not beautiful, I mean handsome. You look handsome."

I let out a small laugh in amusement and I watch as she gives me a heart stopping smile.

"Cupid should be here anytime soon so be vigilant."

I escort Felicity to the alter and we stand staring at each other silently while the minister proceeds with a few words.

He clears his throat "Do you have your own vows prepared or do you just want the readymade ones?"

In order to successfully lure Cupid out into the open, we have to be convincing in our love for each other which means speaking from the heart. "We have our own" I say tensely.

I take Felicity's hand in my own and let the words I've been holding back since the moment I first met her escape my lips.

"You entered my life, or rather I entered the IT department and it changed my life for the better. I knew from the moment I saw you, with that red pen in your mouth, that you were something special - something remarkable. The trust you have for me is unfathomable. You trusted me before knowing who I really was and you continue to put that faith in me. You make me a better person, you push me to be a better human and I cannot thank you enough for that. You complete me Felicity, you have brought light back into my life. I love you."

"Oliver..." Felicity exclaims as tears run down her cheeks, her eye's not leaving mine for a second.

Before she has a chance to finish her sentence, an arrow whirls past us and the trance between us is broken.   

"Well hello lover" Cupid drawls.

I quickly grab my bow and quiver, hidden neatly under the nearest chair and steady my stance.

Placing an arrow on my bow I place the target directly on Carrie's heart.

"Put down your bow, Cupid, it's over" I growl, sounding more like the Arrow than Oliver. 

"I don't think so" Cupid sings only angering me more.

I take aim, but Carrie is faster than I anticipated.

She catches the arrow and snaps it in half. "Sorry lover, you won't be able to catch me this time."

Digg comes through on the comm "Oliver, she's managed to take out every single cop placed within the building. I don't even know how that's possible"

  I aim three more arrows at Carrie but she manages to escape all three.

"Felicity you have to run, now!" I yell in her direction.

Something's wrong, something about Carrie is different. I can't figure out what that is but she is not escaping, not if I have anything to say about it.

Before I even have a chance to react I watch as Carrie takes aim at Felicity. I watch in horror as the arrow strikes Felicity in the shoulder and she drops to the ground.

"No, no, no" I repeat my voice strangled with pain and fury as I run over to Felicity and take her hand. This is not how today was supposed to go down. I was supposed to keep her safe and bring Cupid to justice.

"Oh, don't worry lover, she's just knocked out" Carrie says and again moving with an unforeseeable speed she aims one of her tranquilizer darts at me and I fall to the floor, Felicity's hand still in mine.

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