Finding Oliver

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Without thinking I run outside into the tumultuous storm raining down on Central City. I lean against the wall outside Jitters, trying to find a way to breathe, the coldness of the rain befriending my skin and allowing me to drown in its tempest. Somewhere behind me I hear Barry call my name and I force air into my lungs.

"Barry I need to get back to Starling. Oliver is in trouble" I utter almost wordlessly, reluctantly snapping back into reality.

Barry nods and without saying a word he picks me up. I watch as the world around me disappears into a blur and in flash we are back at STAR labs.

Barry puts me down with ease and says "I think the fastest way to get you back to Starling safely is by opening up a breach. I'll go get Cisco."

"Okay. Thank you Barry, for everything" I muster up a small smile and watch as leaves.

I pace frantically around the room as I wait for Cisco to arrive, trying to ease my mind from the fear that has taken a hold of me. I know in the practical sense that Oliver is entirely capable of taking care of himself but something about Digg's call haunts me and I wrack my brain trying to figure out what trouble Oliver could possibly be in that would require me.

"Hey, I heard someone needs me to open a breach?" I hear Cisco call out.

"Yes, I don't have time to take the train. I can't lose anymore time. I need to know what's going on with Oliver right now."

Cisco nods noting the seriousness in my voice "I got you something for when you decided it was time to leave so I'm guessing now is the right time to give it to you."

I observe curiously as Cisco extends his hand, holding a beautifully crafted green crossbow.

"I thought this would be a nice addition to the skills you've been working on. I had it custom made."

I take the crossbow from Cisco and admire the craftsmanship. It was absolutely perfect. "Thank you Cisco, this is amazing."

Cisco looks at me, pride filling his eyes and a wide grin on his face. "Okay now let's get you back to Starling"

I say my goodbyes to everyone at STAR labs and take a moment to center myself for whats to come as I step into the opened breach. It's time to get back to my reality.

Stumbling through the breach I find myself in the Arrow cave. Taking a quick scan of the room, it appears as though little has changed since I left. I glance over at the fern I had gifted Oliver a while ago and the panic and guilt I've been trying to suppress rises up with a vicious intensity but I do my best to ignore it. I continue to look around and find Digg, his mouth hanging agape in astonishment. I could tell by the look on his face that he definitely didn't expect me to arrive this way.

"What an entrance right? I had Cisco breach me here" I give a small nervous laugh and run straight into Digg's arms, placing my crossbow on the nearest table, on my way to him.

"Felicity it is so good to see you" Digg replies, his deep voice reverberating through the room.

"I see much hasn't changed" I say trying not to let my anxiety shine through.

"You could say that..." Digg hesitates.

"What's going on John? What's wrong with Oliver?" I say, my voice laced with concern and confusion.

Before he has a chance to reply I hear the door open and I whip around hoping it's Oliver.

"Roy? Wh..What are you...Okay Digg what's going on. I haven't been gone for that long. How much could I have possibly missed?" The last time I saw Roy he'd been unsuccessfully trying to capture the Arrow's attention. How did he manage to go from being a nuisance to part of the team? I stare at Roy in wonderment, the shock still making its way through my system. He gives me a small wave and I give him a tight smile, unsure of how to approach the situation. It's harder to acclimate back into my surroundings than I thought it was going to be; I was naive to think that nothing has changed in the time I've been gone.

"I'm not sure how much Oliver told you after you woke up but things have been slowly getting back to normal until recently." Digg sighs. Studying his features I notice the tiredness in his eyes and the worry lines on his forehead.

I think back to the last time I saw Oliver and realize with a sinking fear that Oliver avoided telling me too much about what went down with Slade and I didn't push him for information either.

Furrowing my brows I try to make sense of everything. "Slade is gone why would you need Roy, no offence Roy. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around you being here. Oliver defeated him and well if he defeated Slade that means he got to Cupid too...wait please tell me he caught her" I feel my eyes widening at the realization that Carrie Cutter might still be out there.

"I take it Oliver didn't tell you much then" Digg lets out a knowing breath and continues. "Oliver has been training Roy ever since you fell into a coma. He needed the extra help and Roy proved to be quite the soldier. When we went to take out Slade there was no sign of Cutter. We've been trying to track her but without you here it's been nearly impossible. She's being far more careful now that she's gained new skills from her allegiance with Slade."

I open my mouth in horror. Oliver had deliberately let me believe everything was okay so that I didn't have to worry - so that I wouldn't feel the need to run back to Starling with him. "Digg where is Oliver?"

"Look all I know is that he's been missing for two days and I haven't been able to find any trace of him. Cupid has to have him and if it's any indication Thea seems to be missing too. She's dangerous Felicity, especially with the mirakuru still running through her veins. Roy and I can't do this alone. We need you Felicity, Oliver needs you"

I nod slightly and feel my ever growing dread claw its way up inside me. Steadying my breath, I close my eyes and use every ounce of strength I have in me to fight my way out of the despair. I will not and cannot let Oliver or Thea get hurt by that crazy woman.

"Okay let's do this" I voice, running to my computer. As soon as I get it working, I sift thoroughly and hysterically through anything that could bring me closer to finding Oliver.

After staring at my screen for an hour I find a location. I feel my body relax considerably and yell for Digg and Roy.

"What's up Felicity" Digg shouts out, Roy trailing behind him.

"I found a location. Let's go" I say, a fire of conviction blazing through me as I get up and grab my crossbow.

"Felicity I'm not putting you in danger. You are not coming with us. We got it from here" Digg says sternly as he eyes my crossbow wearily. His words only work to fuel the fire raging in me, my fear fading away and anger taking its place.

"You sound like Oliver" I start, determination streaming into my words "I know you are only trying to protect to me but I don't need protecting. My time in Central City has made me stronger in more ways than I ever thought imaginable. I need to be the one to take down Cupid, she's taken enough from me. Plus when else am I going to get a chance to use this wicked crossbow" I end with a smile on my face.

While in Central City, Joe taught me how to throw a proper punch and my defense training at the SCPD has given me enough skills to protect myself. My time away also gave me the free time to try my hand at archery and while I failed miserably without the expertise of Oliver, I have familiarized myself with the workings of a crossbow which I now own thanks to Cisco's remarkable gift.

Digg gives me a look of resignation, knowing he won't be able to talk to out of my decision. "Okay, you'll need this then." He heads over to one of the the desk drawers and pulls out an arrowhead laced with the mirakuru antidote.

Still smiling, I take it from him and then the three of us head out into the fog of the night.

Sorry for taking a while to update I've been busy with school but I hope you like the chapter (: I'm thinking of maybe doing two more chapters and then this will end but I'll try to edit any mistakes or inconsistencies as soon as I can.

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