Falling Together

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I'm going to try to include as much fluff as I can into this chapter because it's the final one. It might also be a fairly short chapter. I really really hope those of you who have read this enjoyed it. Thank you for all the support and kind words it means so much to me xx


I'm alone in the bunker, Oliver lying unconscious on the table, as I pace back and forth anxiously waiting for him to wake up. After the encounter with Cupid, I decided to bring him back to the Arrow cave to heal - while the others dealt with crazy pants - and now I wait here in anticipation. I look over at Oliver, his body is covered in gruesome scars bestowed onto his skin by Cutter and while I've done my best to patch things up, I know those marks will be there permanently. My heart aches for him - for the pain he's had to endure and the suffering he never seems to escape. My nerves begin to spin out of control with every second that he remains unconscious and I find myself bracing against the nearest chair for support. I take a deep breath, trying to ease my mind. Oliver waking up is not the source of my unease, but rather what will happen when I tell him how I feel. I know I hurt him by staying in Central City; by pushing him away but I wasn't ready then - I am now.

Suddenly I hear movement coming from Oliver's direction and I'm by his side in an instant.

"Hey, hey Oliver, you're okay" I whisper, gently placing my hand on his bare shoulder, careful to avoid touching his wounds.

He gazes up at me with an intense, almost unreadable look in his eyes and within seconds he's pulling me into him, our bodies pressed up against each other; his arms wrapped around me as if I'm the only thing anchoring him to this earth. His unexpected embrace causes my heart to quicken in response and I have to remind myself to breathe. If he's in pain, it's definitely not showing; not that Oliver Queen would ever let someone know how much he's hurting.

He pulls away just enough to look into my eyes. "You saved me Felicity" he says, his voice so full of tenderness that the seams of my heart burst open in love for the man before me.

I feel my lips tugging upwards into a wide smile "Ah, it was nothing I couldn't handle" I say struggling to stay nonchalant.

"How did you get to be so brave?" he asks, still looking up at me in awe, slowly getting up so he's standing in front of me.

"I learned from watching you" I state softly.

I watch as Oliver hesitates, his face falling for a moment before putting his guard up. "Felicity you didn't have to come back for me. I know you need your space..." Oliver starts but I cut him off.

I force myself to look at Oliver, my eyes holding his, as I pour everything I'm feeling into the words I manage to muster up. "I know I said I needed space and I did but I'm here now because I want to be here. My time in Central City showed me that I can be my own person; that I have always been my own person. I thought I lost myself in you but it was the opposite Oliver - I found myself in you." I take a moment to collect myself and instinctively place my hand on Oliver's stubble, closing what little space was between us. "You make me a better person; you've made me stronger, you've allowed me to be so much more than just an IT girl. I am who I am because of your belief in me. I know that now. I thought letting you in would destroy me, but that's what's tearing me apart. I'm sorry I pushed you away, I'm sorry I left but it has allowed me to grow into a much more confident person; someone who isn't afraid to bare her soul to the man she's fallen so helplessly in love with. I'm ready to open myself up to love; I'm ready to let myself be vulnerable enough to let you into my life and to fall into your love. I want to be with you Oliver, I'm ready to be with you" I finish, a nervous smile playing across my face, as my body tenses, waiting for his response.

"Felicity, I love you, I love you and there is nothing you could ever do that would stop me from loving you. You are a beacon of light in the darkness of this life. I am the luckiest man alive because I've had the privilege of loving you and to know that you want to be with me; that you feel the same way brings me more happiness than I deserve"

I feel tears spill down my face but I brush them aside and continue to stare into the insanely blue oceans reflected in Oliver's eyes. This time I don't stop myself from falling into the deep abyss of its waters; getting caught up in the rise and fall of the tides held within them and I watch as he falls with me, his eyes drinking in mine with a silent hunger. This time I'm the one that pulls him to me and Oliver welcomes it readily, our body's fitting perfectly against each other. Every touch causing heat to surge through my veins, spreading throughout my body like a wildfire and I embrace it, letting it fuel my desire, as I run my hands up the hardened muscles of Oliver's stomach. My fingers trace the scars on his skin along the way and I hear his breath catch. He leans down, staring at my lips, a low growl escaping his throat and then he's lifting me up. My body responds in haste, wrapping my legs around his waist as he carries us backwards, - towards the cot - my head tilting up as my lips meet his with an equal amount of longing and passion. We lose ourselves in each other, not tearing ourselves apart from each other - not even for a moment and before I know it, we are at the cot, Oliver sitting down carefully, me still in his arms and for the first time in a long time I feel complete.


I wake up to the feeling of Oliver underneath me, my head placed neatly in the crook of his neck. I can't help but sigh contently, it's been weeks since I've had anything close to a good night's sleep. Images of Slade would haunt my mind, turning my dreams to nightmares but with Oliver all of that melts away and I feel safe. I prop my head up on my hand, using my elbow for support, as I silently admire Oliver's features. I watch as his eyes flutter open and he smiles at me.

"So that happened" I murmur with a coy smile.

"Yeah, it did" He replies mischievously and I can't help but laugh.

Before we have a chance to continue our conversation my phone rings and with a groan I reluctantly reach for it, the annoyance clear on my face.

Oliver plays with my hand as I answer the call, watching me intently with a smile still on his face.

"Hey, Digg now is not a good time" I say breathlessly but I'm cut short by the voice on the other end and my face falls.

I glance at Oliver, worry written all over my face and I see his body tighten in return, dread accompanying his features.

"We have to go now" I whisper almost inaudibly, the air thick with the tension that comes along with being part of Team Arrow.

The End

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