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I wake up to a cold, dark room, my head pounding with a nasty headache.  The room is small and enclosed, no windows in sight; no indication of where I am being held. I try to slowly get up, my head still reeling from the tranquilizer and that's when I notice that my hands are bound together, shackled by chains emerging from a space in the floor. I try to break free from them, but they are too strong. Still trying to orient myself to my surroundings, I hear whimpering behind me and my mind goes straight to Felicity. I whirl around and that's when I see her, tied to a chair, her hands bound together with rope and a gag covering her mouth. The sight of her like this tears me apart; her wedding dress is torn and ragged, her hair a mess and there are tears streaming down her cheeks. 

The shackles don't allow me to move far but they are long enough to reach her. I kneel down in front of her and pull down the gag, wiping away the tears from her face. "Hey, shh, it's going to be alright. We are going to get out of here, okay"

"What if we don't" Felicity whispers, her voice small. 

"I'm so sorry Felicity, I should've never let this happen" I reply, my voice cracking slightly.  I run my hands through her hair, my fingers getting caught on one of her many hair pins and I tuck it up my sleeve. 

The door behind Felicity flies open and Cupid walks in with a smirk on her face. 

"Why are you doing this!" I roar, shaking with anger. 

"I told you lover, if I can't have you, no one can" 

"Then take me, leave Felicity out of it, she has nothing to do with this" 

"Oh, but she has everything to do with this" a voice from behind bellows, laced with a thick Australian accent. 

The blood in my veins turn to ice as the man hiding behind the voice appears. Slade Wilson. 

"You, you died on the island. I watched you die!" I stutter, the shock slowly wearing off until I'm able to piece everything together. 

The reason I was unable to defeat Carrie Cutter was because Slade had injected her with mirakuru - a serum designed to create human weapons. It has the ability to enhance an individual's strength and reflexes, creating something almost indestructible; something inhuman. Cupid had been sent by Slade as a distraction to pinpoint my weaknesses; to show him who I couldn't live without and I had fallen for it. 

"Well old friend, with the help of the mirakuru in my bloodstream I survived and now I've come to get my revenge. You walked right into my trap, you always were a special kind of stupid." He chuckles menacingly as he pulls Felicity out of my reach. 

 "You don't have to do this Slade! Shado wouldn't have wanted this" I yell helplessly 

"You don't get to tell me what she would've wanted. You killed her Oliver. It's time for your past to start catching up to you. I will take every last one of your friends and family from you, until you're left with nothing, starting with the woman you love" Slade spits vehemently.


I flinch at Slade's words and close my eyes in terror. Slade didn't know that Oliver and I had been putting on a facade, using it to trap Cupid and end her reign of terror until everything had gone so terribly wrong.

I watch as Oliver's face becomes unreadable, his demeanor changing, shifting from his persona as Oliver Queen to the Arrow. My heart aches for him, knowing he blames himself for the events currently unfolding but all I can do it watch helplessly as he says what he says next.

"Felicity is not the one I love. It looks like you were wrong Slade, Felicity and I have been pretending to be in love to capture Cupid. The only person I have ever truly loved is Laurel but you should know that already" he says coldly. 

I hear a small gasp fall from my lips and I watch as Oliver looks my way, his shield slipping briefly and I see the pain in his eyes. Just as quickly his guards are back up, his expression once again unreadable. I feel my heart breaking to pieces in my chest and it's getting harder to breathe. Oliver's words snapped me back into reality, away from the facade we had created. It was stupid to think that Oliver Queen could ever love me but his words from the wedding still ring loudly in my mind. I've always known that Laurel was the only one he's ever had eyes for - not including every other women who could pass as a model - but I still feel as if I've been shot through the heart with an arrow.  With Laurel it was different, I could see the love he held for her, something I should've reminded myself of throughout our plan, but I let myself fall into a delusional love. 

Slade's menacing voice pulls me out of my sorrow. "I guess that was an oversight on my part but nevertheless, Felicity over here, clearly means something to you, so she will suffer all the same" 

"Slade please don't hurt her, she has done nothing wrong" Oliver pleads. I look at Oliver, standing in front of me with a defeated look on his face and that's when I notice my hair pin in his hands. I observe as he tries to pick the lock on his chains and let out a small sigh of relief. 

"No she hasn't but she will be paying the price for your sins. Now you'll know the pain I suffered when I found out you killed Shado" he replies vehemently.  

I feel Slade pressed up against the back of my chair and I can't help but shake uncontrollably. Everything about him felt exceptionally dangerous, even the air surrounding him. 

"Please no!" I hear Oliver call out in despair.

The room starts to spin and I feel a needle pressed up against my neck and then feel it pierce my skin and everything goes dark. 


I manage to pick the locks from my shackles and lunge towards Felicity, just as Slade punctures her skin with a needle containing the green tint of the mirakuru serum. 

I hold her in my arms, her body limp and fragile. I feel the panic rising in my chest as I gently take the needle out of her neck. I notice that there is still some of the serum remaining in the vial and I silently place it in my pocket. There is a stranglehold on my heart, I feel like I can't move, can't breathe, can't do anything but I manage to find a pulse, it was weak but it was still there.

"It's too late for her Oliver, even if she does survive the injection, she will no longer be the woman you knew" Slade says as he walks out the door, Cupid trailing along behind him with a satisfied grin on her face.    

I know this chapter is a little messy and I have no idea if it's confusing or not but this is how my mind works. I'm sorry if anything is unclear, I'll try to come back at edit it.     

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