Falling Apart

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"Felicity, I need you to wake up. Please. I need you. I can't do this without you" I whisper, my voice thick with desperation.

It has been a month since Slade injected Felicity with the mirakuru serum and it's getting harder and harder not to lose my mind. In a state of panic, I brought Felicity to the one place I knew she would be safe; the one place that could save her – STAR labs. After being injected with the mirakuru, Felicity didn't respond like others; instead of dying or turning into an indestructible monster, she was left unconscious. Thanks to Caitlin, Felicity was able to be stabilized but not without leaving her comatose. In the last month, Caitlin and Cisco have been able to reverse engineer a cure from the remaining mirakuru I had kept but its effects on Felicity have been nonexistent.

I begin to pace back and forth helplessly, the emptiness in my chest creeping up on me again.

I hear someone open the door and turn to see Caitlin leaning in the doorway.

"Caitlin the cure should have worked by now" I say, my voice dangerously low.

"Just give it time Oliver. With every person the cure works differently. I'm sure she'll wake up soon" She gives me a soft smile and with that she leaves.

I let out a frustrated sigh and sit down next to Felicity, letting my head fall into my hands.

"Oliver..." I hear someone choke out softly.

Startled, I look down and see Felicity looking at me, her face plastered with exhaustion.

"Hey, you're okay, everything is going to be okay."

A rush of emotions hit me and I finally feel like I can breathe again, relief coursing through my veins, as I plant a kiss on her forehead.

"What happened? Where am I?" Felicity asks, her voice replete with confusion.

"We are at STAR labs, Slade injected you with mirakuru but Caitlin was able to formulate a cure"

"Oh my god...Laurel! You told Slade you love her. He's going to kill her. Please tell me she's safe. Please tell me Slade didn't get to her" Felicity babbles her eyes wide with shock.

I stare at her wordlessly. Felicity's compassion, her ability to put everyone before herself, to care for everyone so deeply, never ceases to amaze me.

"Laurel is safe. Sara and Nyssa are keeping an eye on her but she's not what's important right now. What matters is you, how are you feeling?"

"Under the protection of two former members of the League of Assassins, huh, I wonder what that must be like and it definitely doesn't feel like I've just been run over by a truck" Felicity smiles, trying to joke her way out of her pain.

"I'm so sorry Felicity, this never should have happened, I should have known" 

"Hey, this is not your fault. None of this is your fault. The only one responsible for what's happening is Slade" She looks at me, her gaze not faltering, not even for a second. 

"Oliver" she continues skeptically, "how did you know the cure would work?"

 "I tested it on Slade and he's now somewhere he can't hurt anyone" I say shortly, averting my gaze from her. 

A lot happened while Felicity was in a coma but it's something she shouldn't have to worry about, not right now. With her unconscious, I found myself looking for a distraction; looking for something to keep me from falling apart. I had no choice than to head back to Starling City and protect the rest of the people I love. When Caitlin and Cisco formulated the cure, the opportunity to end Slade rose and I took it without hesitation. I had to make sure the cure wasn't fatal before even thinking of using it on Felicity, so with the help of Sara, Nyssa, Diggle and Roy I was able to catch Slade off guard and inject him with it. The moment I knew the cure was viable I came running back to Central City - to Felicity.  

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