Chapter 3

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I walk in class and head straight to my seat. "Excuse-me Nina, but could you come over here" i look up to see who it is.
OMG!!!! its Mr Butler!!
Dont we have Mrs Ray on Mondays first period for art.
Shes usually asleep most of the lesson so everyone messes about.
I walk over to his desk.
"Yes" i question him calmly.
"Your getting a late detention, you know that right?" he asks me expectantly.
"Yes I know sir" i tell him truthfully.
"Here"he hands me a detention slip.
"See you after school" he smirks cutely, sending chills down my spine.
I turn away and head back to my seat slowly because my knees have become jelly wobbly just at the sight of him.
i take my seat and check him out through the whole lesson and when i am not looking at him i catch him looking at me. I mean ovb he isnt staring at me,why would he?
The final bell goes and as i am packing my stuff i catch the sight of the detention slip. I sigh at the thought of detention but feel much better remembering whos doing it.
I walk in class and Mr Butler looks up and gives me his beautiful grin. I catch his amazing deep blue eyes and almst get lost in them when i realise i need to go to my seat first.
Its just us two in detention.
"Nina help me out with putting some stuff away please" he asks me. Since i am not doing anything i nod.
i bend down to pick a box up when i realise i am wearing a skirt. I quickly turn around to catch Mr Butler looking.
"You need some help there?"
he asks smirking. I shake my head whilst blushing furiously.
He smiles and carries on with his work.
Later detention is finished and i am ready to head out when i hear him calling me.
"Nina your coming with me sweety. I am sorry to say but your parents sold you to me and now your mine"
he suddenly says. What the hell is he on about. I mean my parents would never do that to me!!
"lets go" i feel his hands pulling me. His delicate soft fingers enterwine with mine. Hundreds of butterflies suddenly appear in my stomach!!
"No. I need to call my parents" i come back to reality and pull away from him.
I take out my phone and call my mom.
"H-hello, Nina darling have you heard the news. We have sold you to your teacher, you know we had no choice the house was soon being taken away and your step dad also needed money for his heart surgery. I promise we will buy you back" She explains. What am i? A friggin thing that can be bought and used and then thrown away. Am i even a human being?!!!
i turn my phone off mad and follow Mr Butler.
He leads me to his BMW.
we get inside and he drives off.

Guys how is the story so far?!! It will get interesting soon and there will mature content!!!

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