Chapter 32

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I wake up to my moms voice.
"Nina honey? Wake up." she says gently shaking my shoulder.
I open my eyes.
"Nina sweety i have made lunch. Also i would like you to try something"
She says.
I widen my eyes as i finally ajdust my eyes to the light.
"yes?" i ask curiously.
"Here" she hands me a pregnancy test
"honey i know things mught have not gone accordig to what you wanted. I am so sorry if he tried to do anything bad..." mom says concerned whilst tears start to fall out.
I quickly sit up not liking to see this sight of my mom.
"its ok mom." i try to comfort her.
I get up and walk to the bathroom also desperate to pee.
I use the pregnancy stick and once i am done i flush and put my pants back on.
I take the stick out with me.
Mom walks over eagerly whilst still drying her tears.
"soo?" she questions me.
I give her the stick.
She takes it and observes.
I immediately understand after she drops the stick and falls on her knees.
I gasp as i quicly bend down to help her.
Tears start to fall out of my eyes...

After we have tried many other tests and all came out positive, we decided...well mom decided to go and tell Butler.
I refused but she convinced me.
We walk to his house and mom knocks on the door.
The door opens and Butler is standing there but he isnt alone....
"Honey who is it?" a blonde woman with defined features and a slim body in a white robe appeares behind him.
"no one" Butler tries to close the door out of her view.
My eyes begin to well up as I realise the situation.
Everything i felt was geniune but i am sure his wasnt.
I was just a thing he bought and resold because he disliked it.
I turn back and run.
I run without looking and suddenly everything goes black.

Wow guys this chapter was tense!!
Anywayz as usual lovelies dont forget to vote and look forward to more dramatic chapters.
Love u lots and thanks very much fod voting!

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