three/ You left me

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Ahead of time I'm gonna apologize. I not finna make my boy Z look like no bitch but you know it's just a imagine. It well never happen right. So no worries. Calm down and I hope you like this chapter.



Waking up with a little groan and movement on the bed. I only peeked one eye open to look for Zion. He sat at the edge of the bed playing a video game. Sitting up I rubbed my eyes. I sneaked up behind him and kissed his neck. Rapping my arms around his waist and leaning my head on his back. He paused the game, turned and looked me in the eyes before his pushed his lips against my own.

" Good Morning princess. " He said looking down at my lips. I rubbed our noses together.

" Great, with you big poppa. " I say. Takeing off his head set to the game. He leans over top of me. I loved when he hover over me. His body so close to mine yet so far.

" I love when you call me 'Big Poppa' " he said quoting the lyrics from a song.

" You ready? " He asks taking his lips and trailed down my neck. I wondered for what. I looked at him confused.

" For what? " I asked. Really not knowing what he was talking about. I was completely lost. Then my stomach groaned. And I wasn't so lost anymore.

" Ohh, you know I'm slow. " I say letting a giggle roll out after. He pushes a piece of hair out of my face and rolls to the side of me.

" Your not slow baby girl, you just don't understand sometime Y/n. " I loved how he understood me so well. He sat up I looked at his bare chest.

" Come on, get ready so we can eat girl. " He says pushing me slightly off the bed. I just got up and went to the bathroom and got in the shower. After my shower Zion got in, then we got dressed.

" Hey uhm where you wanna go. I wanted to got to Billies Breakfast. But I mean it's up to you Y/n. " He said putting on his shirt. I looked at him with a look like 'boy you know that's where I wanna go'. He looks at me.

" I knew you where going to wanna go there. Let's go. " He said he grabbing his wallet and keys. We walked out the door. We walked, cause it was a nice day and we thought it would be good for us.

We walked pass an alley way. There where a few guys down there and when they saw me and Zion they kind of got hyped up. They began to follow us alittle.

" Hey Little mamma, I bet he can't make you feel as good as I would at night, every night, and not only night. " Says one of those guys. I turn and look at them with the most ugliest faces ever.

" Even when she trying to be ugly she is still so cute. " Says the same douche bag. I turn around and began to walk backwards.

" Yeah, well see how cute I am when I call the cops how bout dat. " I say Zion grabs my arm and we continue walking. We arrive at the breakfast place finally. And the guys just walk pass. We take a seat but I couldn't order. The waitress comes over.

" Hi how may I help you. " She said with a wide toothy grin plastered on her face.

" Yes can i ha- " Z started to say but I cut him off.

" No not just quite yet. " I say squinting my eyes yet have the same kind of grin on my face looking at Zion.

" Ok just let me know when you ready. " She says. Then she walked away.

" What's your problem.why didn't you say anything to those guys. You could have at least told the off. " I say loud enough for him to hear but no one else. He looked at me then looked down. He stood up.

" You know I'm not hungry any more. " He says walking out the place. I just sat there not knowing what to do. And right now I see what he meant I just don't understand sometimes. And I just don't understand right now. I eventually ordered. After eating I walked home slowly. But fast enough to get there with no problem.

Waking past the alley way again. I reached in my purse for my pepper spray. I walked pretty fast so they wouldn't recognize me if they were there. I heard them and began to basically jog.

" Hey sweet cheeks where you going and the most important question where's you punk ass boyfriend. " He say. I was trying so hard not to say anything but you can't talk bout Z like that.

" He's not a punk. Do you understand me. He could beat y'all asses any day. " I say. But then I realise what i just did. He jumps Infront of me grabbing my arm. I pepper spray him in the face. Grabbing his face he slaps me. My face stings red with pain. Looking down at me he tries to climb over top of me. I kick him right where the sun don't shine. I tried to get up but his buddies held me down. I was so scared until some guys saw what was happening. I took my taser and tased a few of them. The others ran off before the guys got there. He helps me up and lends me a hand home.

My head pounds from the slap and as my head hit he floor. My head bleeds. And I think I have a black eye.

" You ok, I can help you with that. " He offers, but even if I didn't have Zion in the house waiting I would still say no. Shocked of what just happened I was afraid of it happing again.

" No thanks my boyfriend's in the house waiting for me. " He nodded his head and walked away waving. I walked into the house closing and locking the door. I walk into to bed room and see Zion. He jolts up and ran to my aid.

He inspects me rushing question at me like a freaking two hundred question test. He apologizes so many time my head began to spin. I looked at him and only have three words to say.

............... " You left me "................

Hey guys this is not supposed to be offensive to Zion but we the know he not a punk. So its just a story don't take it personal. Love you guys. Thanks. Dont forget to vote and comment.

Also guys for the people in Philly they are coming. That are coming to Philly on January 14, 2018. YAY YAY. I was bout to hyperventilate. But I just cried ( sike ) jk. But I'm so hype hope to see you busy there.

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