Nine/ I dont remember

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    I sat in the chair, with shaking legs. Wondering when those beautiful eyes of his would flutter open or when his body would move even just a centimeter. I dont care as long as I get a response. I look down at my now steadily shaking hands. I hit myself in the head. Thinking that this was my fault.


    Nick walked slowly towards the door way feeling scared for his life. I grabbed his hand to assure him he was going to be fine. I let his arm snake around my waist as he gripped hard into the skin on my hip. I looked over and laid a gentle kiss on his cheek. I felt his grip lose and his hand relax.
    " Y/n I'm terrified. What if they don't like me. What if they thing I'm ugly. Did I wear the right thing. " He said rambling on. I took his face and shoved it into my own. Planting a long and blissful kiss come between us.

    " Nick just calm down. They'll love you. You are so handsome. And you look amazing. " I said trying to boost his confidence. He looked into my eyes and his smile became bright as day. I loved his smile. I think he's fine now. We walked up to the front door. I took my key out and open the door.

    " Mom, Dad. I'm here. " I yelled through the house as Nick and I entered. I took his coat and mine and hung it on the coat rack. My mom emerged from the kitchen. Then my dad followed coming from up stairs. My mom walked at a fast but yet slow paste. They met at the same point and greeted us.

    " Hello Y/n, and hello Nick. My word you are a fine young man. Very handsome, nice figure. I think he's a keeper. " Said my father as he circled Nick's tiny figure compared to his own. He then hugged and kissed me. And shook Nick's hand. The hand shake looked very firm. When ever my dad greets someone with a firm hand shake that was a sign that he like them.

    " Hello dear, hello Nick. Yes you are a fine young man. " Nick smiled nervously. Sweat began to drip down his head but no one noticed. I grabbed his hand And intertwined our fingers.

    " Excuse me let me show Nick my room " I said pulling Nick towards and up the stairs ad soon as I closed the door he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding back.

     He paced back and forth around the small enclosed room. He ran his finger threw his damp wet hair. And his breaths were uneven. I began to get worried. I grabbed both of his shoulders. And forced him on to the bed. I sat next to him and passed him a water that was sitting in my night stand. He downed the water so I tossed the bottle in to the empty trash bin. .

     He began to breathe slower and deeper. His chest rose and fell at a normal pase. I looked him in the eye a sweat gland slid down his head the room was pretty hot and I did just close the door. Shutting us and the hot air in. I looked deep into his eye. They were like pools. I leaned forward and was about to kiss his soft lips.

    But when I looked up at his eyes they began to flutter and his pupils went rolling back into his head as his body went limp. I grabbed his limp body before it could hit the bed. I crawled underneath him and cradled his body as I called it his name. I began to panic. I shouted to my parents as the hot, stinging tears came down my face like a tsunami. They busted in and as soon as they came in they stepped back out to catch a breath of cool air before their lungs adapted to the hot air. His chest still rose and fell but he wouldn't wake up. My heart began to pound in my chest like a drum. I looked at his face one more time before my dad carried him off down stairs into the cooler air. I called 911. I rambled as I wanted them to hurry.


    The ambulance came and lifted his body off into the back of the truck I rode with him. I promised him on our 4 month anniversary I would never leave his side. He promised to never leave mine. And we both promised to never forget eachother. I held his hand through everything. The test, I held his hand. The transports, I held his hand. I couldn't stop crying. The tears kept coming. I couldn't live like this. I couldn't live with out him. I needed him. He needed me. My mom and dad were on the way. As I waited for them I contacted the boys and Nick's family. They had to drive out here to the hospital. It took some time but eventually every one was here. There sitting in the waiting room. Waiting for anything. I waiting in his room. I watched him and never took my eyes off. I want him to move, the only movement he did was the movement of his chest as his lungs inhaled the air that the machine's were helping him breath. I sat there in that same chair for 4 days. I couldn't keep my eyes off him. The machine beeped repeatedly and it gave a head ache. I barely ate. I never left this room. 

     His machine beeped and beeped. I tried to close my eyes to stop the headache but it didn't work. I closed my eyes tight. So tight my vision went bright white. I opened my eyes and let them adjust to the light in the room. I let my eyes roam around the room then they landed on Nick. And he wasn't lying down or was he still.

    He was sitting straight up and looking directly at me. I stood up slowly. When I finally reached my feet I rushed over to him and rapped my arms around him. But he didn't hug back. I pushed off of him and looked him in the eyes. Tears ran down my face as I looked over his expression.

    " Nick baby, you ok. Am I hurting you I'll back up if you want me to.... Hello Nick. " I spoke to him but it's like he had no idea who I was.

    " Who are you and what am I doing in the hospital. " I looked in his eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows at him. He must be playing.

    " Nick, stop playing it's me. Y/n. Your girlfriend. Of three years. " I said. And each time I got more serious. Because his facial expression didn't change. I stood up from off his bed. I looked at every inch of his face and trying to understand what was happening.

     " I-i d-don't....... r-remember. " he stuttered. I backed away from him. Then got closer again. He looked at me with a flushed face. I couldn't breath my head began to spin. I paced back and forth across the room repeating the question ' what do 'you mean you don't remember?' ' he looked at me like I was crazy I marched up to his bed side and he moved away.

    " What do you mean ' you don't remember?' we promised eachother Nick. We promised. We would never forget eachother. And here you are forgetting me. You need to remember who I am to you. Who you are to me. Nick please remember. " I begged him on my knee's. I needed him. He doesn't even know who I am. And he doesn't know how much I need him. The Boys heard the shouting  and barged into the room. Once they cought sight of the scene their arms wrapped around my body and carried me off out the room. I wasn't in control of my body any more. I fought to see him that was another promise. We would always be by eachother side. I do fought and I fought but they were strong. They carried me off to the waiting room and to my parents. I cried and cried with the repeating words that fell from his lip. The ones that rolled from his tongue. The ones that he thought of first. The ones that he took his time to pronounce.

.....' I ... Don't ..... Remember '.....

  Hey guys so this took so long. Ok first I was going to go way further then this but. Then I realise what I was writing was somewhat of a good imagine. So I had to delete so much. And I've been writing these all on my phone so you must understand how difficult that is. And this feels like the longest chapter I've written, ever. But here it is and if there are any mistakes please forgive me. Because I did my best. Don't forget to vote and comment. Share even if you want.

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