This is my fave pic of Brandon he look so innocent and cute and adorable. Like a chocolate filled chocolate chip cookie. And sorry I don't know Austin's girlfriends name so her name is ' Sarah '
Brandon Y/N POV
I walked down the stairs to Brandon, Nick, Austin, Zion and Edwin hauling in food. Lots of it. Tiffany, Alexis and Sarah stood in the kitchen preparing most of it. I skipped down the rest of the stairs in my shorts and over sized hoodie. I ducked under Zion's long arms as he lugged in three more bags of food. I found my way over to Brandon who was placing some bags on the table. I ducked behind him and covered his eyes.
" Austin I can't see if your hands are in my eyes. " He said tugging at me hands. Wanting them to be removed.
" No, genius. It's me. " I said jumping out from behind him.
" I-i knew it was you. I was... Just joking. " He said trying to lie which he wasn't good at, at all, as he rubbed the back of his neck.
" Oh really. " I replied placing my hands on my hips.
" Yeah " he said, standing up straight as his hands laid on his hips. Putting a lot of confidence into his voice. I shook my head and giggle as I changed the subject.
" Well then, what's happening here. " I asked as I scoped out where I was standing. Zion hung up ribbons and streamers, as Austin placed balloons that Edwin pumped full of helium and nick blew up a few just to sit on the floor. Question, where the heck did Edwin get a helium tank. I don't wanna know. There where so many colors I though we where starting a circus. Then I realized what does PRETTYMUCH do best. Throw parties.
" Isn't it obvious. We're throwing a party. Nothing specific, we just got bored and so this is where boredom leaded us. " Brandon states as he swings his arms around the room. I nodded my head with a ' not bad, not bad at all ' look. I walked away from Brandon to help out with the rest of the party and see if I could get anything else anyone needed.
* Three hours later
The party was In full swing. And I was enjoying me self. Everyone was so happy and so many people showed up even on last minute. They all looked nice too. I was just wearing a simple out fit.
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( Out fit above )
Brandon and I sort of matched. But he wore vans while I wore Jordans. The party was flowing all the way from the front of the house to the back yard. I there was so much food and drinks. Every one was so happy.
" Y/n over here. I want you to meet someone. " Called out Tiffany. I walked through the crowd of people. I finally made my way over to her. She grabbed my hand and drug me over to a group of people. I saw a fit tall young girl, with bouncy blonde curls. Her green eyes where dark under this light. I shook her hand and introduced myself. Her name was Molly. Her name fit her well. I was introduced to her boyfriend to his hair was blonde and brown it curled infront of his face just like her but shorter. They were a perfect match. His jaw line was sure sharp. And his eye ocean blue. I tore my eyes way from his features and just focused on the conversation.