Thirty-two/ Kitten

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Edwin's POV

   I pick up my daughter from school today. She sat in the back seat singing 'boo'd up'. Beings though she's 8 her vocals are on point. She gets it from me. I smile at that thought and wipe a fake tear out of my eye. I pulled up to the drive way. As I took her out of her car seat she jumped down and ran to her mom that I didn't even notice was out side.

  "Mommy!" She yelled jumping into her mother's arms.

  "Hey sweet cheeks. How was your day?" Asked my beautiful wife to our little daughter, Allison.

  "It was awesome! Daddy played boo'd up on the way home." I smiled at my two girls who looked happily at me. I kissed my wife, Y/n, of 12 years on her lips. We walked back into the house. That was filled with the sent of pumpkin and cinnamon apple. "Mommy's making pumpkin apple pie." Said Allison jumping down from her mother's arms and running into the kitchen. I wrapped my arm around Y/n's waist. As we entered the kitchen Allison was licking sweet powder off her finger.

  "Hey little missy, what do you thank your doing?" I said chasing her around the island that sat in the middle of the kitchen.

  "Ok sweet cheeks, how about you go play out side with Emma from next door." Y/n suggested.

  "I love Emma! See you later sucker!" She said darting out the back sliding glass door.

  "She didn't get that from me." I said. Y/n chuckled that adorable chuckle. "Ok mamas I'm going up stairs to work on some things for the boys." She nodded her head. I walked up behind her as she stood at the stove cooking a delicious dinner and tickled her sides.

  "Ok, ok! Now go!" She said in-between fits of laughter. I planted a kiss on the crook of her neck before heading up.

(A few hours later)

  "Ed baby dinners ready!" Called Y/n to me. I closed my lap top and headed down stairs. I walked into the dining room to find the table took up with a dinner that could last a life time.

  "Woah, babe you do know it's only three of us. Right. Well until I get my son I've been wishing for." She shook her head.

  "I told you this yesterday, Emma's parents are having dinner with us." She said taking me by shock.

  "Oh, no wonder you made the pumpkin apple pie." I said.

  "Could you call Allison in." I nodded and head to call Ali.

  "Ali-cat, dinners done." I called into the back yard.

  "Ok dad, here we come." She came running into the house with a bag and ran past me and up stairs. I shook my head at the two.

(A few minutes later)

  I opened the door to find Danny and Samantha, Emma's parents.

  "Hi, it's so good to see you." She said hugging me. As she walked in I shook her husband's hand. They went and took a seat at the table.

  "Girls come on down." I yelled up. I walked into the dinning room and took a seat. We built up a conversation as we wait for the girls to join the table.

  "Edwin go see what's taking the girls so long." I nodded as I excused myself from the table. I walked up stairs and down the hall towards Allison's room. There was alot of chatter.

  I pushed the door open. Allison and Emma sat on the floor with a kitten that played with a string attached to Allison's finger.

  "Allison!" She look at me, fright in her eyes. "What are you doing with this thing?" I asked.

  "Daddy before you get mad, can we keep it please? Please daddy?" She pleaded with puppy dog eyes. My mind ran with crazy thoughts and actions. Until the perfect action came to mind.

  "Stay here, I'll be right back."I said the the two girls. I walked back down stars and informed Y/n. "Baby, the kids have brought in a kitten." Her eyes widen.

  "Where?" She asked a bit of excitement in her voice. Emma's parents looked shocked.

  "Upstairs. She pleaded 'can she keep him.' I didn't know what to do, so I came to you." I explained.

  "Well of course she can keep it, I love kitties. But tell them to come eat." I did as told.

(Later that night)

   I took a little dive to the pet store to get the cat a flea collar, a normal collar, shampoo, litter, slitter box, kitty food, a bowl for water and food, and a scratching post. Who knew a cat needed all this stuff and was so expensive.

  Allison settled down to bed. I tucked her in and leaned in to kiss her forehead. She smiled, the kitten, named Felix, jumped onto the bed and laid on her feet. He was a cute kitty. I'm pretty glad Y/n let him stay. I pet him on his head.

  "Good night Ali-cat."

  "Good night dad." Answered Allison.

  "I was taking to the cat." I said teasingly. She chuckled softly. I caress her face lightly. "Good night Felix." She smiled lightly before she shut her eyes and began to drift off to sleep. I shut her lamp off before leaving and shutting the door.

  I hopped onto the bed, causing Y/n to bounce.

  "I'm glad you let the little stay." I said looking over at her. She smiled and looked at me happily.

  "I am too, he is so cute." She said before shutting off her bed side lamp. "Good night."

  "Good night."

Hey guys. Here's another cute little chapter for you guys, I really hope you like it so please enjoy. And if you do don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Share if you want. Love you guys, bye.

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