two/ what the hell

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Nick pov

"Babe come on the Uber is here we have to go." I yell up the stairs. We were going over to Zion's house to watch a good football game. Also the boys and my girlfriend (cause they don't have girlfriends) she began to walk down the steps putting on her jacket.

"What took you so long babe?" I say putting my hand on her hip. She jerks away.

"Nothing, I was on the phone." She says walking towards the door. She's been acting real shady lately. She won't let me touch her or she hates it when I want to cuddle.

"With who? " I ask as I walk behind her locking the door behind us. She looks at me and rolls her eyes.

" Brandon, he wanted to know if we were on our way. " I look at her. And furrow my eyebrows. Wondering why he would call her instead of me.

" Why he call you instead of me?" Ask as I close the car door when we get in. She flipped her hair as she looked at me.

" Wow boy do you have lot of question. What is this a Q&A anyway, He said your phone kept going to voice mail ... And the game was bout to start. " She said looking down at her phone. I pushed her phone down and turned her face towards me.

" Can we just have alittle eye contact cause, ha , you know as soon as that game comes on, you ain't getting my face off that screen. " I said staring in her eyes. Learning forward for a kiss. But of course her phone buzzed that's when her head snapped back to her screen. I just heavily sighed we sat in the silence of a screen being tapped two million times a minute.

We finally arrived at the house. She hopped out as I made sure I wasn't leaving anything. We walked up to the door and rang the door bell. Hearing it echo through the house. Edwin opens the door to just run back to his spot. When I realized that must mean the game is on, I ran in and jumped next to him this game was finna be good. She just walked in and sat next to Brandon. This is the longest I ever seen her off her phone.

They talked and talked. Laughed even, and that was music to my ears too hear her laugh. I used to be able to make her laugh all the time. But now ever since she's met the boys she hasn't been the same. But it's good to see someone making her laugh. I missed her smile so everytime I heard her laugh I looked at her.

During a commercial I walked over to were they where, but they must have want into the kitchen, cause I heard her laugh. I walked in the kitchen and Brandon began to back up off her. Like he was to close.

"Hey guys what's going on in here? " I asked eyeing them both.

" Nothing, Nick baby. Just making a plate of food. " She says looking up from the plate. Brandon goes into the fridge and grabs a soda. He cracks it open and looks at her then me.

" Then why where you laughing? " I say with furrowed eyebrows. I look Brandon up and down. Then her.

" I was laughing cause... Brandon made this funny joke about kitten candy. " She says hesitating at the word ' cause '. I don't like this secretiveness.

" Ok, have fun Y/n. " I walk out the kitchen and hear giggling. I don't feel right with her alone with him. But I can trust him he's my best friend.

(Few minutes later)

This game is so good. I hear her giggle constantly, every time I look over he's whispering some thing in her ear. then they both look at me.

" Hey bro have you noticed your girl and Brandon getting pretty close." Edwin whispers to me loud enough for Austin and Zion to hear to. They look at me and nod.

" No, they are just being cool cause they both don't like sports. So their keeping each other company. " I say trying to deny the fact my best bro and the love of my life are doing something like that to me. They just sigh and continue to watch the game.

I hear Brandon over say 'lets go some where were we can be alone. if you know what I mean.' then raising an eyebrow and grabbing her hand.

" HELL NO, FUCK THAT" I yell standing up. She stares at me with furrowed eyebrows.

" Don't look at me like that y'all getting to touchy touchy bro bring that ass back down them fucking stair. NOW before you see me really get mad." She then walks down the steps still with his hand in hers.

" Let his fucking hand go now bro before I slap the bullshit out of you. " She lets go of his hand slowly. I walk up to her and drag her ass outside.

" How could you do this to me. You the love of my LIFE. And him my best fucking friend. Where about to fuck in someone else house. So was he really asking where we on our way cause the game was bout to start. Or did you just lie to me." She has nothing to say she put her head in her hands.

" ANSWER ME " she flinches. She looks up and he make up is smudging she shakes her heads opening her mouth but sobs only come out.

"I'm sorry Nick, as soon as you introduced me to Brandon all love I had for you went to him he felt the same. After the party he gave me his number and we've been talking since. I just wanted him then. That's why I was acting so weird being his bu- " I cut her off.

" What do you mean being his, you should have just told me I would have had to be so hurt as I was and still am. You could have saved so much pain. But instead of went behind my back."

"I was to afraid of losing you. I still wanted you and him. I loved both of you but I didn't act like it cause I was afraid I wasn't being loyal to Brandon." I turned I was so ready to slap her but I didn't. You wanna know what I did. I walking into the house and slapped my so called bestfriend right across his face I was bout to punch him but my real best friends jumped in me before I jumped on him.

"You know what, I'm done. you two can have a happy life together. Without me. I won't bother to interrupt. And uhm Zion they were bout to have sex in your house." Zion was bout to hit him too until Edwin just put the both of them out. Collapsing to my knees and I cried. My boys pick me up and just hugged me until I was done. We sat and finished watch the game and still with red eyes I had a good time until I got home to see something I couldnt unsee. I was so hurt they were there in my house.i got arrested that might cause I cought them. I cought them

Having se....................................

Hey guys I hope you like this chapter. This took me forever to write. And I think it came out well. Do you think I should make a part two to this when his turn comes around again. Guys don't forget to let me know about any mistakes I made in the comments. Also don't forget to vote. Thank you so very much. I love it guys. Thank you. 😍😘😘😘

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