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   I pull into a well lit gas station. I get out of the car and walk into the store, grabbing some snacks and a drink. I walk over to the cash register to pay for my things. A white male, wearing a red flannel and some wripped jeans comes to check my things.

  "You new in town, or just passing through?" He says, giving a light smile showing his lovely teeth.

  "Passing through." I respond. My total comes up to $8.75, I pull out a ten and give it to him. He gives me back 75¢. I grab my bag and look at him strangely. "This isn't the right change." I tell him. He looks at me, shakes his head and walks away.

  I just forget about it and leave. As I'm walking outside there's another car, a truck, parked next to mine. A group of guys are filling up there tanks. The clerk comes out of the store behind me and walks over to these guys. I just get in my car and I lock my doors. I look over at these guys who are watching me, like watching my every single move. They slowly start to walk around my car.

  I put my key in to start my car but it just won't start. The clerk stand in front of my car holding something.

  "Looking for this?" It was a part needed to start my car. My jaw drops, as I look at him I see something in my rearview mirror. There was someone in my back seat. Before I had anytime to do anything. My face was covered and I began to lose consciousness... The last thing I saw was him standing in front of my car... Waving at me.... his dark brown hair. His sharp jaw line. Thin lips.

Consciousness lost

Hello my lovely readers. Omg guys how much have I missed writing. One thing I have to say is. WHEN TF ARE THEY DROPPING THE ALBUM. LIKE COME ON. ALL THESE FUCKING TEASERS. Second, I have not been keeping up with the boys like I used to. So any juicy tea please spill in the comments. I really hope you like this chapter. I literally just wrote this, like right off the back. If you do like it please don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Share if you want. Thanks for reading, love you lots, Bye.

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