Ten / You worry me

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Zions POV

    Our hands tangled into one another's. We sat on the moon lit beach. Laying back. The sand seeped deep into our clothes and hair but we didn't care. Our skin connected. She lived in the love we had for each other and I live in the love of her.

    She sat up looking over the pail light reflecting off the ocean. She dug her toes into the sand until they were buried. Her hair flowed in the ocean breeze. A smile glazed upon her face as she lifted it up to the moon.

     I could refuse to look away. She was enchanting. Her skin glowed under the pail light of the silky moon. Her lips were plump and full. Her eyes, (c/o/y/e) ( color of your eyes ) beautiful eyes glimmer. I feel so cheesy rn but love make you that way.

    I sat up along side her and stared out towards sea. Her eyes traced across the water then right to sky. The stars looked lovely to night. And they looked even more beautiful reflecting out of her eyes. Her eyes finally detach from the sky. And over to my face. She looked down at my lips then at my eyes. As if she was asking permission. Like she needed permission.

    " You don't need permission baby girl. " And with that she kissed me. Slowly. But sloppy. I loved it though. I ran my hands up her revealing skin. She put her hand up upon my bear chest. Her hands rubbed down and along my bear skin. It brought peace to me though and I just went with the flow. She pulled back and looked away from me and my lips. She began looking out to the water. My hand still on her skin. She took it away. Standing to her feet she began to strip again. Was about to go back into the water. Now but that waters freezing. I watched her wondering what she was doing.

    " Y/n what are you doing? That water is freezing now. You can't go out ther- " she cut me off as she began to run towards the ocean. I jumped to my feet. And pursed after her. She dived right into the water. Swimming at an incredible rate out ward towards the sea. I dived into the ice cold water and swam after her. We swam for what seemed like hours. The tides pushed me further away from her but I pulled my self to saving her.

    She eventually came to a stop and floated. I swam to get to the same point. But then when I was close enough to grab her she went under she dove deeper and deeper. I couldn't hold my breath for much longer but yet I still dove until she stopped her body jerked and jerked. I grabbed her and swam up to the surface as fast as I could. All the marine life swam out of my way. Until I reached the top. My lungs began to burn and my arms became weak, but my body flooded with adrenaline. And I grew strong and my lungs, they burned more and more.

    I pushed and pushed but still wasn't there. I couldn't hold it. I eventually reached the top but she wasn't ok her body was limp and cold. Her chest was still. And eyes were closed. My heart then dropped. I pumped and pumped on her chest attempting CPR. I slammed my lips against hers giving mouth to mouth. I pumped and pumped and pumped. I slammed my lips against her once more as to push air into her lung and....

    " Cough cough. " She was alive,  I saved her. I grabbed her body and pulled her so close. I made an effort to kiss her through all the coughing. She wrapped her arms around me.

    " WHY, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT. HUH. YOU DIED. WAT IF I COULDN'T OR DIDN'T SAVE YOU. " I yelled at her trifels of spit flew out my mouth and landed on to her skin. I tear rolled down my face as I made and effort to keep my voice from cracking.

     " It was a test to see if you would save me. If you didn't love me as soon as your lungs began to burn you would have saved your self. Love makes you do crazy thing sometimes. And I'm glad I can tell you love me. Because I don't have to feel dumb about loving you. " She spoke and it touched me it's true. I love her. I couldn't speak, I had nothing to say. But then I did.

    " Y/N you worry me. " I said, she chuckled, making me chuckle. I wrapped her up in the blanket and we walked home. On this dark moon lit beach.

  Hey guys second update I'm on a roll let me keep it up. But this one didn't take that much to write. I love this one it almost made me cry. I was so proud of myself,Also I'm sort of getting tired of writing them like this. Bad then good then ba again.  Thought it was a good idea at first but now I might just stop and make good one any time and bad ones any time also this is the last part that's gonna be like this. Also if you are making a fanfic or a imagine book then I will not have a problem with you copying my style just tag my name in the books description. But I will not have a problem with y'all copying me. Go for it just tag me. Ok let me shut up now. Hoped you liked it. Vote and comment. Love you guys.

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