Twenty-Three/ Our love is forever even if our lives aren't (Part one)

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Hi guys this is not my opinion at all, I do think Nick is very talented, like he gets alot of the high parts of the songs but I don't think he's the best because they are all great dancers. I think they are all equally talented and in my opinion thats a lot of talent. So just had to let you guys know, so you can continue reading. ;-) (^.^).

Third Person POV

  You held his hand tightly, as you walked through the aisle to get to your seats on the plain. It was your first time flying and you were terrified. You squeezed his hand tighter than before for more reassurance. He must of realised because he squeezed your hand right back.

  " It's gonna be ok. " He said rubbing your back as you scooted over into your seat. You and him were going on a trip for your anniversary. You were gonna visit New Jersey so he could show you around his home city. You sat down and put on your seat belt. Nick sat beside you. You gripped his hand tight as the plain began to get filled with people.

2 hours later

   You slept through out the whole plain ride until you were awoken by the shaking of the plain. You grabbed on to Nick's hand instantly. He wrapped his large hand around your small one.

  " It's only a little turbulence. We're ok. " He said as he looked into your face. You laid back as the shaking continued. You began to get nervous and scared. You squeezed his hand tighter. This time earning a little groan from Nick. You looked at him with apologetic eyes. He just gives you one of those damned smiles. His pearly white teeth show as he smiles at you. The shaking continued. Soon enough the Pilot came on the speaker.

  " Ladies and Gentleman, we are having a problem with the engine and we might have to make a emergency landing. " Your heart jumped at the thought of engine difficulty. The plain was gonna crash.

  The plain began to shake even more. Your heart was officially in your stomach. The people began to freak, children began to scream and cry. Tears weld up in your eyes. Nick squeezed your hand so tight. You looked at him the tears slipped out of your eyes.

  " The Plain is going down every one get into procedure position. " Called the Pilot. The breathing masks came down from the ceiling. Nick helped you put it on. As you braced your self's Nick's hand intertwined with yours. He looked over at you his eye weld up also with tears.

  " I love you y/n, i don't wanna lose you. But our love is forever even if our lives aren't. " The tears were officially water works. Your eyes where filled to the brim and stained red cheeks along with light pink eyes.

  " I love you to. I don't wanna lose you either. I don't wanna die. But I guess life isn't fair. " You said as the tears kept running. He reached his hand to your face and rubbed away a few tears earning a nice light smile to grow onto your face.

  " We're gonna be ok. " He said as he held your hand tight. The plain shook uncontrollably. Your body began to shake. You were so afraid. The plain descended and descended. You and Nick's hands never parted. UNTIL....


Hey guys I hope you like this chapter. Buuuuut it's a part two so look out for that. I wanna thank you guys for over 1k reads. I love all of you guys. So thanks for your time and don't forget to Vote, Comment, And Share if you want. Love you guys bye. Mani out✌️🏽. Sike. Bye guys.

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