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Song: I wanna grow with you

Artist: West life.

" Cullens, wake up," A fragile voice with bony fingers, connected with so many IVs tried reaching to a peaceful sleeping Cullens.

" Cullens," the fragile voice tried again but she began to cough out blood. The coughing did the trick because within a blink of an eye Cullens was beside her, cleaning her bloody lips with a white napkin which had turned into a crimson colour.

The fragile being smiled at a worried Cullens and said a small thank you.

"Can you please pass me the water?" the fragile patient requested from Cullens, trying to sit up but finding difficulties in doing so.

"Pamela can you please stop straining yourself? Just lie down and I will get what ever you need," Cullens tried getting his wife back on bed but to no avail.

"No dear, you've done so much for me. I need to do some things on my own. I'm just praying my death will be peaceful and less painful," Pamela wished to her husband who had now succeeded in getting her to lie on her back.

He tucked the duvet on her thin body. And kissed her on the fore head before taking a seat beside her bed and holding her hands in his.

"You know you are not going to die, right? You are not the only one with cancer. People with cancer fight to survive and I want you to do the same for me." Cullens said leaning in to clean the tears that had fallen on his wife's cheeks.

"I want you to fight for me, fight for Jasper. What happened to the dreams that you and I had? It won't be the same without you Pam. Please don't leave me in this cruel world. Jasper is too young to lose his mother," Cullens tried reasoning with his wife.

He couldn't control his tears himself. He placed her pony palm on his check. It has lost the warm it used to provide him. She cleaned the tears on her husbands face.

" I want you to do something for me," Pamela announced coughing at the same time. She was having difficulties in breathing, "Promise me you will find happiness after I'm gone, I also want Jasper to know all about me and I want him to have the best in life." She said holding her husbands hands now.

Cullens' tears where flowing like rain drops. He did nothing to stop the tears from falling.

"No you are going to make him know you yourself , and you are gonna be my happiness," Cullen's declared looking at his dying wife.

She only shook her head and gave him a sad smile. "My light is dying, the moon is ready to take me in her warmth embrace. So you have to let me go, now the doors are closing on me, I have to get in before it gets close.

"Pams why are you talking to me in riddles, I don't understand you. So please let me understand you." Cullens said looking at his wife.

"Can you please get me the nurse?" Pamela requested. A naive Cullens didn't ask questions as he went out to get the nurse.

When he returned he saw Pamela sleeping peacefully but her face was turned to the wall.

"Pam, the nurse is here. What do you want her to do for you?" Cullens asked but got no reply.

He turned to the nurse and told her she must be sleeping. But the nurse moved to the bed to check her vitals.

"Is she alright?" Cullens asked from behind, the dark circles under his eyes so prominent.

"I'm sorry Mr field but Mrs Field is no longer part of us." The nurse sadly announced, covering Pamela's body.

It took two doctors, one security man and Cullens dad to move him from his wife's dead body.

The funeral rights were done. A five years old Jasper doesn't know what was happening he kept on asking when his mummy was going to wake up for she would be late for work.

Because that was the last time he saw her before he was sent to his grand parent's place.

This the prologue of the story. But part of this prologue is true. How Pamela died. Someone closer to me died the same way but not because she had cancer. She only told me to go to bed for I'm tired. Not knowing she was saying her good bye to me. RIP mum.

This so far is the hardest prologue I have ever written. Really feeling sad.

Thank you in advance for your votes, comments and shares. If you can I will suggest you listen to the music above.

The chapter 1 will be up by tomorrow God willing.

And his missing son can be found on my page. Please don't for get to vote, comment and share.

I dedicate this chapter to all those who lost a love one. I say RIP to all gone souls. If you agree with me Type RIP.

Love Rukky360😘😘😘

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