chapter 12

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Every body was happy with the wedding including the couples. They weren't comfortable with each other but they are sort of glad their families are happy..

"Mum, this Jasper my friend from school." Ariel dragged Jasper to introduce him to her mum.

Everybody was busy with the reception. Cullen's was busy with his friend's and family.

People congratulating him here and there. Bryce and Theia had a heated stare looking at each other as if to pull each others hair.

" Wow, Jasper, how are you doing my dear." Emily asked as she knelt down and was the same height as him.

"I'm fine aunty Emily and you." Jasper asked his new mum. While Ariel was standing there grinning from ear to ear.

" I'm not fine do you know why." Emily asked her step son who's eye had widened when she told him she wasn't okay.

Jasper only shook his head waiting to hear what his step mum has to say to him.

"I'm not okay because you didn't call me mum. You know I'm your new mum now and Ariel is your sister right." Emily asked him.

" Is that really okay with you. Me calling you mum." Jasper asked. Smiling brightly at her.

Emily nodded and both Ariel and Jasper jumped with happiness. Cullen's attention was on his new family.

He unconsciously smiled at them. May be his perspective about her is wrong or may be she is just pretending in front of people. Cullen's thought to him self.

" So you are friends with the bride. Huh" Bryce asked Theia who was looking at her friend and sister.

"Yeah, we've been sister's for ages." Theia replied looking at Bryce in the eye.

"She is pretty isn't she?" Bryce asked one's again. Looking at the family of three.

"In deed she is." Theia replied smiling at her friend. Who was still talking to the kid's.

"I'm sorry about the way we met you know." Bryce continued when silence fell between them.

"It nothing, I'm also sorry the way I spoke to you." Theia said taking the hand Bryce has extended.

Every body was happy at the reception and it was time for the party to end.

"So son, I have a surprise for you." Mr Field said to his son and his new daughter in-law.

"What surprise Dad?" Cullen's asked his dad. While Zion was smirking at him with a knowing smile.

"Well I booked a two weeks hotel for you as your Honey Moon gift in Bahamas." Mr Field said as he was looking at his son so lovely.

"Oh honey that so great. Make sure you get me a new grandson or granddaughter before you return." Gisella the mother of Cullen's happily said.

Theia and her parents where happy with the progress of the honey moon. They where glad she had fallen into a loving family.

Zion was laughing his heart out so was Bryce because of the face Cullen's made when he was told about the honey moon.

Bryce gave Cullen's a gift and asked him to open it when they get to Bahamas.

Theia also gave Emily a gift telling her to open it when they get to Bahamas. Emily was suspicious if her friend but kept quite.

"Dear go change your clothes. Your bag has been packed already. You don't need to worry about anything." Gisella the mother of Cullen's said.

Cullen's and his new wife changed to a casual wear as they bid farewell to the people at the reception to start with their new life.

I really miss this movie.

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Love you all Rukky360

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