chapter 5

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"What going on here. And who did this to my car." The same man who Emily just served made his way to the scene.

People around parted way for him to pass like the red sea. One look at Emily and her daughter he knew who did this to his car.

" Sir, please I can explain what happened." Emily tried talking to the man but to no avail avail.

" The only explanation you have to do is to repair my car glass by tomorrow evening I want to see the glass intact and what you broke my new iPhone, I also want the glass of the phone replaced by tomorrow noon. I'm I clear." The man said. Looking at them like some pieces of food.

" When you finish with the work send it to this address." The man handed a card to a quivering Emily.

Emily looked at the card and gasp at the name on the card. Gregory Cullen's. That explains why he looked so familiar.

His wealth and achievement and the life of his family is always on the tabloids.

He is a ruthless billionaire with two sons. What has Ariel landed them into.

His youngest son was a man whore who always had a one night stand. His eldest son was rather cold and more reserved.

"Emily what happened why is the man threatening you." Thea asked her best friend as she took her hands in hers.

"It nothing Thea. Nothing really serious." Emily said to her trying not to worry her.

" What do you mean by it nothing? If it nothing why are you and Ariel crying and why is the man sending cold daggers your way." Thea pressed on.

" I will tell you everything just take me home please." Emily said.

The whole car ride was tense and little Ariel was fast asleep in the back seat of the truck.

"Are you really sure you are okay?"Thea asked her friend as she opened the passenger seat.

They entered into Emily's room and Emily immediately went to put Ariel in bed.

When she returned Thea was already drinking an orange juice. Lost in her thoughts and had a dreamy face on.

"Hey you there. What got you all flashed." Emily tried consoling her friend and drawing her friends attention from today's event.

" Oh it nothing serious. Just had an encounter with this rude guy yesterday at the mall. Don't mind me tell me what happened with you today. " Theia said to her friend sitting opposite her from on the couch.

" You remember the man who was glaring at me earlier on?" Emily asked Theia who nodded her head at her.

" Well, Ariel kinda of broke his car glass and his iPhone screen in addition. He wants both screens done by tomorrow morning." Emily explained to her friend in one breath.

"Meh!! Tomorrow his ass. How can he ask you to do that on such a short notice." Theia defended scowling at the man in her imagination.

" It will be alright. Early tomorrow morning we will go to the mechanic shop together. I asked the toll company to toll the car to the nearest mechanic shop I know." Emily said thinking of ways and means to get the money for the repairs.

" you know I'm always here for you right. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask me after all our shift tomorrow is in the afternoon." Theia hugged her friend.

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And guys those of you asking for an update be patient I have a world outside Wattpad I write here when I'm free.

I didn't say don't demand an update from me but some of you are plain rude.

Can you imagine one reader telling me if I can't update I should remove the book meanwhile I updated less than 24hrs ago.

So please and please if you can't wait for an update kindly wait when I'm done with the book then you read it thank you.

But I will not tolerate any rudeness from any reader. Because I'm not one of the paid authors I write because I want to and because it makes me happy when I write

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