Chapter 26

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Justice has come to terms with his heart, seating at the cafeteria of the hospital he has thought and made up his mind about Emily.

He is fighting a losing battle which he knows at the end he is gonna be bitterly beaten and defeated. The only dignity he has he wants to protect it.

The kiss between Emily and Cullens started at a slow but later got intense, Emily didn't know she will miss him this much, she began to play with his facial hair.

The clearly of throat made them broke their kiss, they rested their foreheads on each other's still with their eyes closed they breathed in deeply before opening their eyes.

Emily was surprised seeing Justice standing by the door.

Cullens raised a questionably eyebrow at him. Justice was feeling uncomfortable as he moved from one feet to the other.

"Can I speak to Emily alone" he found the courage to ask Cullens who was glaring at him. Although he knows he rescued Emily he couldn't let his guard down because Emily was written all over justice face.

He was in love with his wife, and that disgusts him so much. He was about to protest but Emily placed her hand on his which was lying on the side of her bed and smiled at him, begging him with her eyes to let her speak to him alone.

"I'm standing right in front of the door, if you need me or anything just let me know" he said kissing his wife square on the lips.

Justice had to look away, although he has made up his mind it hurts seeing them like this. Cullens smirk at his discomfort as he brushed shoulders with him as he made his way out.

Emily smiled at Justice as he walked towards her. He was a bit nervous so was she, she was wondering what he was still doing here.

"Hey" she said still smiling at him.

"Hey" he replied rubbing his hands on his face.

"How you feeling now?" He asked again when the room got quiet and awkward.

"Great I guess, I can't thank you much, I really appreciate what you did for me" Emily sincerely said, looking at him intensely.

"Well, no problem I would have done it for anyone who needed my help" he said brushing his hands through his hair.

"Right" Emily nodded her head as of realizing how stupid she was. Of course he would have helped anyone in that situation.

"Well about what I told you the last time" he began looking at Emily carefully, she didn't change her features or anything she sat there patiently waiting for him to continue.

"I don't know how to put it, I know it wrong of me to propose to you but I couldn't help it" he said turning to look at the cars passing by.

The room Emily was in screamed rich, from the way it has been decorated to the posh sofas and the view of the city, if not because of the Ivy's connected to her you wouldn't believe it a hospital.

"Justice about that, my husband wouldn't be happy if he should come to know of this" Emily said.

" I know, I really know the risk I'm taking repeating what I told you. But don't worry, I'm here to tell you it was just a crush and I will get over it soon. This would be the last time you will see, I'm being transferred to Alaska for work. I just came here to wish you all the best in life" he sadly smiled as he walked towards Emily and pecked her on the forehead.

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