chapter 11

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Emily looked so beautiful in the wedding gown and the make up matched her skin tone and brought her eyes out.

"She look's so loveable and pretty in her white gown. Damn Cullen's he is so lucky" Theia thought.

"Wow, you look so beautiful Em's. Now let get going we are running late." Theia said as she took her friend's hand.

Theia's parent where already waiting for Emily out side. Upon getting outside Emily was nearly blinded by flash light's.

"Damn how did they know about the wedding. " Theia whispered under her breath.

The reporter's where trying to get to Emily but the body guard's she was sure where sent by her father in-law to be where protecting them from the reporters and paparazzi.

"No idea." Emily replied as she entered the  white range rover. With two cars which Emily guess are body guards following them.

Emily only invited few of her friend's to the wedding so the crowd she saw as she entered the church was too much.

She didn't expect her wedding to be this grand with reporter's here and there and it showing live on TV also.

Mr Bloom as promised walked Emily to the aisle. All this while Emily's eye's where casted on the ground.

Praying not to disgrace her self or her new family. She had a firm grip on Mr Bloom's hand and he squeezed hers in return to assure her everything will be okay.

Theia and two other co workers of Emily where the bride's maid. Ariel was walking in front of her mum as a flower girl who was throwing toffees and flowers for her mum to walk on.

When they got to the aisle that when Emily raised her head and boy let me tell you she was surprised by who she saw.

The cotton candy arrogant and obnoxious guy. Emily held her breath as Mr Bloom took her hand's and gave if out to Cullen's who was checking Emily out.

"I will Marry this woman for the sake of dad and Jasper" Cullen's thought as he kissed the back of her hand.
Whistles and hoots where heard here and there as some people clapped and screamed.

Emily's cheeks where red damn this man. The hooting of the crowd ceased when the priest cleared his throat indicating the beginning of the ceremony.

He made them kneel before him and they said their vowels and they even exchanged their ring's.

"Now you may kiss the bride." The priest said. Emily was chanting I'm doing this for Ariel while Cullen's was also chanting I'm doing this for dad and Jasper.

When their lips met the first thing they both did was to gasp. Emily pulled back a little bit to look at Cullen's.

His eyes was so intense already looking at her. He initiated the second kiss as he leaned inn closer and took her full blum lips into his.

The screaming of the crowd and the shouting pulled them apart. When they where kissing it was as if they where the only two in the world.

Cullen's pecked Emily lastly on the lips before she was dragged and engulf in a hug by her parent's and her bride's maid.

" Congratulations man." Bryce pattered his friend on the back and gave him a brotherly hug.

"Congratulations to Mr grumpy, finally a woman will tame you." Zion Cullen's kid brother said from behind them.

"Woah, hey kiddo! When did you get here." Cullen's asked his kid brother as he hugged him.

" I got here when you where exchanging your vowels. Man your wife is pretty." Zion said.

" In deed she is." Cullen's up sent mindly said as he was looking at her with her family.

What surprised him the most was how his son Jasper was relating to her daughter, he knows her name and he and she are playing care freely like they know each other for ages.

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