Chapter 10

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"Daddy wake up, uncle Bryce is here so is Grandma and Grandpa" Jasper jump his father's bed trying to wake him up.

"Mmmm, Jasper let me sleep small." Cullen's said as he used one of his numerous pillow to cover his face.

"No daddy, wake up. And go and bring me my new mama." Jasper said. And that did the trick.

Cullen's was up in a sec, looking at his son. Jasper knows his mum is no more she is heaven looking after him here.

He remembered the day his parents told him. Jasper was wailing and crying out to his mum. Guess time heals all wound's and it has healed his son's wound.

" who told you about your new mum." Cullen's began to tickle his son on both sides. Father and son where so engrossed in what they where doing that they did not notice the presence of their family until they spoke.

"Common buddy, wake up you know the kid is right go and bring him his new mother." Bryce teased his friend.

" Son we don't have much time, hurry and get ready. And you Jasper follow me." Mrs Field who likes to be called by her first name Gisella said.

Mr Field couldn't hide his happiness about the wedding. He was silently watching his family moving here and there. Hoping he made the right choice for his son.q

When he first told his wife about his intention she was against it until he managed to convince her to join him.

It wasn't easy to convince her, she was supporting her son but Mr Field gave her reasons why he did it.

"Emily wake up dear it your day" Mrs Bloom Theia's mother whispered as she brushed of some of Emily's hair off her face.

She could still remember those years ago when Theia brought her home as her  new friend.

Time surely pass and now it time to let her go. She had loved and treated her like a daughter and took Ariel as a grand daughter.

"Mum, tell me what got you so worked up like this." Emily said adjusting and supporting her weight on her elbows.

"Nothing dear, just happy for you. But you don't seem happy." Mrs Bloom noticed as she adjusted her seat in the bed.

"Common mum, of course I'm happy it just that I'm nervous. You know this would be my second wedding." Emily lied through her teeth about been nervous.

Actually she wasn't nervous the truth was she doesn't even know who her future husband is and she just didn't want to get her parent's worked up.

"I get it, everything will be fine. Hurry up and bath the make up artists will be here any moment from now and Theia  is taking care of Ariel." Mrs bloom said as she stood up and gave Emily a peck on the fore head.

Emily took her precious time in bathing. She spent more than 30min in the bath room. Thinking about how her new life would be. How will they be treated.

"Em's are you okay in there." Theia called out to her. "Sure Theia, will be out in a jiffy." Emily replied as she got out of the shower.

When she entered her room her break fast was on the vanity table. Her stomach grumble at the sight of the pancake and coffee.

Her mouth was watery as she made her way to the food. She gently sat and took a bit of the food.

"Damn I miss mum's food." She thought to her self as she finished the food on her plate.

Emily took her plate down stairs and she saw her daughter dressed up in a Royal blue velvet dress. Her hair and light make up well done.

She was playing with one of the make up artist who where there yesterday to introduce themselves.

When Ariel saw her mum, she rushed to her. "Mum see, Aunty Theia did this for me." Ariel twirl in her dress.

Emily only laughed it off. As she made her way to her room again with the two make up artist hot on her trail.

Longest time my dear readers. The time is drawing closer for the competition to end. I need your support as usual.

Don't forget to vote,comment and share please.

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