Chapter 19

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Cullens immediately got to her side. Emily was wide awake by the time Cullens got to her. Two things seem to happen at the same time when Cullens stretched his hands to pick Emily up.

One she glared up at him like she doesn't know him and two flinched away from him when he approached again.

Emily was sobbing her heart  out. Cullens was hurt by her actions but he put that aside and went to her again.

This time she didn't glare at him or flinch away. She welcomed his strong arms around her.

She was a crying wreck, they've been seating on the floor of their hotel room almost 30min. The sobbing has stop but she was hiccuping.

Cullens was whispering sweet things to her and kissing her forehead and cheeks. Emily despite the situation and mess she is managed to blush when she registered how intimate she and her husband where.

"Do you wanna talk about your dream?" Cullens asked when he realized she was calm enough to talk.

Emily cleared her throat, opened her mouth to reply but nothing came out. She tried it again still nothing came out.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't feel like telling me. I will understand you if you don't. All I want to let you know is you are safe with me. Nobody is gonna hurt you under my wings." Cullens whispered as he hugged her tightly to his now ruined shirt.

"Let me freshen up and I will tell you everything. I don't want to keep it inside any more. I want someone else to know apart from Thea." Emily whispered as she snuggled closer to Cullens warm chest.

"Sure I'm waiting for you in the living room." Cullens said as he kissed her forehead and helped her stand up on her feet.

He went to the living room so detached. He was lost in his thoughts once again.

"What is she doing to me, it so hard to ignore her. She makes me worry about her to much. And there is this stupid part of me that wants to make her happy, not to see she and her erm I mean my legal daughter cry again. They've grown on me."

" if she was to be alive will she feel like I betrayed her? Oh gosh please help me make the right choice."

"Hey!! Sorry I kept long." Emily said as she sat close to him. But she realized his thoughts are far away. She brush her hand in front of his face but he didn't respond so she tapped him.

"Huh!!, oh sorry didn't know you where back already." Cullens said brushing his hands on his face.

"Are you alright?" Emily timidly asked. Cullens only nodded his head and plastered a cheerful face on.

"So I'm ready, if you are ready. Like I said you don't have to tell me if you are not ready." Cullens said as he sat on one of his legs on the sofa and took both Emily's hands in his.

" well I had a horrible night mare about my ex husband. More like I had a memory flashback of how my ex treated me." Emily whispered

So it been long right. Sorry for the delay I hope you enjoy the chapter.

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