Chapter 23

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sassynerd247 guys she is a new writer you should try her book. Hallows Eve.

Emily's eyes where a little blurry from the blow on her head, but she could see her attacker just fine.

Dirty face, unkempt beard, bushy hair and yellow teeth smiling down at her. Emily tried to stand up but couldn't.

"Did you miss me my darling." Her old husband laughed at her. He knelt beside her the last thing she remembered was she been carried bridal style.

Her hands where hanging loose, her head was rested on his unclean shirt, the doors of her eyes where closed and her long lashes brushed on her cheeks.

He dropped her at the back of the car he stole from, started the engine and drove off to God knows where.

Cullens came home late and was surprised part of the lights of the house where not switched on.

When he entered the house his two children where asleep on the coach. Snoring away, he was really furious.

When he checked the time it was past 9, and Emily wasn't back home. He had told her to stop working but she refused now look at what happened.

She doesn't want them to get a maid or a nanny. Because of her stubbornness he was Ben criticized.

He wondered if the kids had diner before sleeping. One thing for sure he knew they took their baths because that wasn't the dress they wore to school this morning.

He took his phone out and called Emily's phone but no one answered. Cullens thought again several times but no answer.

He decided to take the kids to their rooms, changed out of his office clothes and waited for his wife but she never showed up.

Cullens didn't know the time he fell asleep when he woke up it was past one. And there was no sign of his wife anywhere because he went to check all the rooms in the house.

Cullens tried calling Emily again but switched off. He decided to go to her work place since he was having a bad vibe.

But he locked all rooms in the house since the kids are alone, he called Thea to find out if she was with her but she said nope.

When Cullens got to Emily's work place the restaurant was locked. He called his brother and best friend.

He didn't want to disturb his parents at this godly hour. Thea was given the key to Emily and Cullens house to stay with the kids.

Bryce, Cullens and Jasper went to the police station to report missing person report but the police said unless 24hours.

Bryant Emily's old husband was drinking while driving. He has been driving for hours now. Emily was still unconscious.

When they got to Chicago, Bryant left Emily in the car, to get food and clothes from the convenient store.

Emily stirred in her sleep, groaned and tried seating but the pain was unbearable. She managed to seat up.

Memories of what happened flashed in her head, she looked around and saw her ex in the convenient store.

She managed to crawl out of the car. And hid somewhere.

When Bryant came back he was beyond furious because Emily had escaped. He had to do all he can to get her back. She will cause trouble if she is on the loose.

I miss you guys. I really hope all of you are doing great.

The next chapter will be the grand finale of this book hope you like the chapter.

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