The Owner Comes Back

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Chelsea's p.o.v.

As I lay on the couch, I wonder if my kidnapper noticed that he shouldn't have trusted me. (*evil grin* hehehe)

I stare at the ceiling for a little bit before my heavy eyelids close for the night.

*couple hours later*

Harry's p.o.v.

"I could've sworn I locked the door, Yar. Did I lock the door?"

"I didn't pay attention, Haz. Sorry."

I thought for a minute, then replied,

"Now I remember. I didn't lock the door 'cause we're in the middle of nowhere and I didn't wanna fumble with the lock in the rain."

"Oh. I see. And Haz? I have a question."

"What is it, sis?"

"Whose shoes are these?"

I look at what she's looking at. There's a pair of purple and grey shoes sitting  by the door. I never seen these shoes in my life. I'm confused.

"I have no idea." 

Yarry shrugged and said,

"I don't know, either. I'm gonna go to the bathroom."

While Yarry's in the bathroom, I ponder who those shoes might belong to and what the heck they're doing in my house.

"HARRY!!" I hear Yarry yell.

"What's wrong? Are you ok, Yar?" I yell back.

"Someone is definitely here!"

"What makes you say that?" 

"The inside of the shower is all wet!"

Some burglar they make. They take off their shoes at the door and they decide to take a shower. I've heard of more stupid burglars. Suddenly, my eyes fall on a piece of paper on the table. I walk over to the table and read what it says. It's pretty handwriting and the name Chelsea sounds beautiful. With the note in my hand, I walk over to the living room to find Chelsea, the guilty party, sleeping on the couch, half covered in blankets. Well, she's right. She certainly does look like she escaped a kidnapping. She has a couple bandages on her face and I can see bandages on her arms. Poor thing. Who would do this to a beautiful girl like her?

I walk to the bathroom to find Yarry coming out. 

"Hey, Yar. This is no burglar."

She looks at me questioningly.

"Here's a note she left on the table and she's in the living room sleeping on the couch."

I hand her the note and she reads it. Yarry and I walk back out to the living room where Chelsea lay sleeping on the couch.

"Hey, she's more pretty than she sounds in her note." Yarry says.

"Yeah. I wanna know who would do this to her. She's too beautiful to be kidnapped." I say while pulling the blanket up more over her. I kiss her forehead and she stirs a little bit, but doesn't wake.

"Let's go to bed. I have an early morning tomorrow, and you have to go to work tomorrow." I whisper to Yarry.

"Yeah. I'm tired, too. Let's go."

We then head upstairs to my bedroom and the room that Yarry sleeps in whenever she comes over.

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