Chelsea And Melissa's First Tattoos

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Chelsea's p.o.v.

*few days later, August 7, 2014*

I'm nervous for this day. It's my sister Jessica's 30th birthday and all she wants for her birthday is for me and Melissa to get a tattoo that matches the one on her back, which is a heart. She is modifying hers by adding her first initial in the middle of the heart, her year of birth on the bottom, and the phrase 'Forever A Sister' around the top of the heart. Harry is sitting in the back seat with me while Jessica and Melissa were driving and riding shotgun, respectively. I took a deep breath and right after I did, I felt Harry's hand on my knee and I turned to look at him. He said,

"It'll be ok, babe. I'll be right there with you."

I smiled a shy smile as I put my head on his shoulder.

*skip rest of car ride to tattoo parlour*

The little bell rang as we walked in, me trailing behind with Harry and his hand on the small of my back.

"Hey! Jessica, is it?" the woman behind the desk cheerily said.

Jessica laughed and said,

"That's me! I brought my older sister Melissa and my baby sister, Chelsea and her boyfriend Harry."

I smiled shyly while Harry nodded once with a small smile.

"Nice to meet all of you!" the woman, whose name tag read 'Isabelle' said.

"So who's all getting tattoos today?" Isabelle continued.

"Just Melissa and Chelsea. I'm 30 today and I want them to get tattoos that match the one on my back, but I also want mine modified a bit."

"How so?"

"With mine, I want my first initial in the middle of the heart, my year of birth below the heart, and the phrase 'Forever A Sister' above the heart."

"Okay. Same thing with your hearts, only with your initials and years of birth?" Isabelle asked me and Melissa.

We both nodded and said,


"Okay. Do you know what kind of writing you girls want?"

Melissa, Jessica, and I looked at each and we ended up agreeing on fancy-looking writing.

Jessica went first since all she was getting done was the modifications to her heart tattoo. Melissa went next to get her heart, first initial, year of birth, and the phrase. Last, but not least, it was my turn. I climbed up onto the table hesitantly and exposed enough of my lower back so my tattoo could be drawn in there. Harry came up by me and grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes. He started stroking my cheek to calm me down in case the process hurt too much. I felt the alcohol wipe gently move over the area where the tattoo would be. I shivered a bit because it was cold.

Isabelle then placed a stencil on the same area and took a special pen and drew the shape of the heart, my first initial, my year of birth, and the phrase.

"Okay, Chelsea, here it comes." she warned after about 15 minutes of drawing out the tattoo. I then heard what sounded like the dentist's drill, but it was really the tool used to do tattoos. I felt the needle prick my skin and begin moving around and I can't help but giggle. Harry looked at me amused.

"What's so funny?" he asked. I could hear my sisters laughing with me.

"It tickles and you know I'm very ticklish. I'm trying not to laugh."

Harry just laughed right along with me and my sisters.

*20 minutes later*

"Alright. All done." I heard Isabelle say.

I was surprised by how quick it was. While watching Melissa get hers, it looked like it took forever.

"Already?" I questioned. My sisters and Harry laughed.

"Just let that air out for a few minutes and you'll be good to go." Isabelle said before she got up and went to wash her hands. I just lay there, looking at Harry and his green orbs. They were pulling me into a trance that I felt I couldn't get out of. He got up and held out a hand to help me off the table. I took it and slowly climbed off the table. I adjusted my shirt so none of my skin showed. All four of us walked to the counter so we could check out.

*10 minutes later*

"Hey, girls, do you mind if I take a picture of all three of you showing off your tats?" Harry asked us.

"No. Go ahead. Just give us a sec to expose the tats."

Melissa, Jessica, and I lifted up our shirts to show the tattoos. Once we lifted our shirts, we each put an arm around each other. Melissa and I on both ends, Jessica in the middle. I heard the click of the camera on Harry's phone and we quit posing. We looked at the pic and we smiled.

"Oh, that's beautiful." I said.

"I agree." Melissa said.

"Are you gonna post that on Facebook?" Jessica asked.

Harry shook his head and said,

"I'll post it on twitter. I have the perfect caption in mind."

@Harry_Styles my lovely gf @Sweet16Girl1 got her first tattoo today with her sisters and me taggin' along. Lookin' good, babe! #Chelseasfirsttat

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