Sophia's Argument=Invalid

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*back on cruise ship somewhere on the way to the Bahamas*

Harry's p.o.v.

Yarry was on the edge. She looked at every one of us at the table. I stole a glance at Liam and he looked at me like he was getting antsy waiting for Yarry's response.

*10 minutes later*

After looking at everyone at the table she finally turned to Liam and said,


Everyone cheered really loud as Yarry and Liam hug and share a passionate kiss.

*meanwhile, over in London....*

"I can't believe Liam actually asked her out like that." Sophia said after she turned to Danielle after learning via Twitter that Liam asked Yarry out.

"And you're mad about it?" Danielle said.

"C'mon, Danielle. I know it's just an act and it was all set up by management. I'm pretty sure management forced Liam to ask Harry's baby sister out."

"You don't know that. It could very well be real."

"You don't really ship them together, do you?"

"I didn't say that I shipped them. I'm just pondering on the possibility that this new relationship of Liam's could very well be real and not set up by management."

Sophia rolled her eyes and said,

"That's just a code language for saying you ship them."

"Soph, let me just say this; currently, your argument is invalid 'cause we don't know for sure if this is real or set up by management."

Sophia then stormed off to express her anger in the midst of the nearby Starbucks on Twitter. Danielle rolled her eyes and started walking back home.


Show Me The Light Poll #2: Was It Set Up Or No?

*back on the cruise ship*

Harry's p.o.v.

While Yarry was talking with Chelsea and the rest of the girls, Louis, Zayn, and Niall pulled me and Liam into the men's room to talk privately amongst ourselves.

(i know, that just sounds wrong, but how private can you get when you're on a public cruise ship??.........well??.....anyways, read on..)

"So there's no single guy in One Direction now....'cause Liam has Yarry..." Niall said as Liam started blushing like crazy. The rest of us started laughing at Liam's reaction.

"What do we all see in our girls?" Louis asked.

"She makes me happy. Her smile is what I live to see. I can't not love her. I guess it's just everything about her. I had to think for like twenty minutes about this and thought of everything corny to say like her eyes, and she makes my heart beat fast and slow, but to be honest, my heart has never beat fast and slow at the same time. When I'm with her though, I get a feeling that only happens when she's around. My heart does race and I get nervous and think of every imperfection I have and how she has none. I hope she doesn't notice them. She's always my first thought when I wake up, my last when I go to sleep. She's always on my mind and now, no matter how hot some other girl is, I couldn't see myself with anybody but her. Every girl that's said they love me was lying and now, I found a girl that doesn't lie. I can't figure out what to do. I have tried to deny loving her to myself. For my own sake, but I can't. She's my life and I do love her. I love her so much it makes my heart ache sometimes. But mostly, she only makes me feel like the luckiest guy ever." Liam stated about Yarry.

"Perrie is always smiling and it makes me smile. She laughs at my jokes, which is a good sign because everyone knows I'm not funny. She's the most caring person I've ever known. She's always dressed nicely and she has a good sense of fashion and she appreciates everything she has. Sorry it's not as long as Liam's description." Zayn said. The rest of us laughed with him.

"What about you, Louis?" Niall asked.

"Eleanor always cheers me up when I'm down. She has beautiful eyes and a gorgeous smile. I love her way of thinking about life and anything. She is still trying to fix me after a break up, which destroyed me completely. I think she is the one." Louis said.

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww..........." the rest of us lads said at the same time.

"Hazza?" Zayn asked.

"She has a great sense of humor. She barely cares what other people think about her. When she laughs at a joke I made, it's probably the best feeling in the world. I trust her, and she trusts me. I don't think she knows it, but she gets embarrassed easily, and it's really cute. She knows me better than anyone else does. She's asked me multiple times what my least favorite thing about her is, and I can never think of an answer. She's really photogenic. She always knows how to handle everything. I don't know where I would be without Chelsea."

"Nialler?" Harry said.

"Kate's intelligent. It's cute the way she scrunches her nose when she laughs. I will be the happiest man alive knowing that I found the one that makes me complete. She always makes time for me. Her smile is so gorgeous it lights up my day. She says the cutest things that make me laugh. I know she would never do or say anything to hurt me. She is the last person I want to see when I go to sleep and the first person I want to wake up to. She always respects my decisions and she's always behind me 100%. She holds me together and remembers things when I have too much on my mind. Most importantly, I love the fact that I will love her for the rest of my life."

a/n: cue "awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! (and as PewDiePie would say, "that's adorable!")

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