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So, I decided to re-write this AU because I love it and it's changed so much from the classic posts.

If you haven't read the first book on the AU, I HIGHLY suggest you go ahead and do that. Most of the headcannons and info is still cannon from that book, as well as a lot of the information is on there about different things like the future post.

With that, I'm going to assume you all have read the info on the other book and I'm gonna welcome you back to my favorite AU and my first real one I posted about on this site, really.

If you need a refreshment or something, this AU is based around the characters being based off of different phobias or fears and having that fear due to some event that happened that made them scared.

They have the ability to haunt dreams but, now, rarely do so.

Some ships are indeed cannon. This AU also is cannoningly ties to her0001's Dreamsworld AU due to an rp. The characters know each other well and some crossover ships are cannon from it.


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