More headcannons

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I have nothing else better to do with this AU so yeah :,)

- since I'm going off of ninja46464's design of Todd for this AU, he is half Russian and half Canadian like their version of Todd is.

- if you read the past book, you know what a bad dream is and yes, they're still a thing, they're just rare.

- in the future, Tom's ghost actually cant stop crying. He'll always have tears in his eyes, even if he's happy.

- speaking of Tom, he can talk to his friends in their dreams sometimes. He leaves Tord alone, though, because of him thinking he's better off without him.

- out of the main four, Matt is the best singer. Out of the neighbor's group, Todd is the best with Eduardo being a close second.

- Edd is extremely skinny under his baggy hoodie and no one knows why because he eats normally. Maybe he has foot metabolism or some shit like that.

- Mark is the only one of the main characters who can actually dance correctly.

- Jon still tries to talk to his friends even if he knows hat only Mark will be able to hear him.

- Tord actually has a hidden soft side for the soldiers he's close to in the army.

- Eduardo can speak a bit of Spanish, actually. Another thing about him: if the rp goes the way Max and I are planning it to go, he maaaay be married in the future.

- Paul stutters a lot now.

- Pat actually gets along with Pay really well, even if they still tease each other like brothers do.

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