Facts about the characters

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Idk, here's some small facts on the characters that I remember from the last book as in headcannon wise.

- his hair is as soft as a blanket and Matt likes to rest his head in it when he's bored.
- he's the second one out of the main four to become a fear.
- his theme song is House Of Memories by Panic! At The Disco.
- eyes are as green as his sweater, so evergreen.
- he can be bitchy if he wants to be. Mostly to Eduardo.
- since this AU is just a 'What if' thing (kinda?) and stays on track of the true timeline, he has superpowers, has fought zombies with a chainsaw, and was almost killed by his future self.

- his theme song is Demons by Imagine Dragons.
- when Tord made him the reversed memory easer gun, he was very skeptical about it and Edd had to combine him to shoot himself with it.
- his ginger hair is actually not as bright as normal, it's a bit faded, almost. Like a slightly darker shade of orange.
- his eyes are bright sky blue, which stand out against his shaded and toned down attire.
- in the future, he will literally roast someone for anything. He's pretty aggressive, especially if someone messes with his husband or his son.

- once he starts dating Tord, he actually trust way more sweeter than normal and prefers to stay around him.
- his room's floor is literally COVERED in Smirnoff bottles.
- his theme song is Welcome To My Life by Simple Plan.
- he's extremely depressed and has very low self esteem.
- he has a secret fear of Tord leaving him again.
- he's a good singer and still plays his bass, Susan.
- his eyes are black. He doesn't just have eye sockets.
- his monster form is fluffy as hell but very violent towards everyone.

- he built the houses back up for his friends and the neighbors after blowing them up.
- you could literally shove your hand through his chest and it'll come out the other side no problem, his muscle and skin kind of opened up more than just the harpoon damaging him because it started decaying for a bit.
- he's pretty much insane, to be honest, but he's pretty good at hiding it.
- he still has his fangs.
- he likes to star gaze when he's bored at night.
- he likes to cuddle Tom a lot. Like, too much.
- his theme song is either Losing My Mind by Mystery Skulls, Vanilla Twilight by Owl City, or I'm Gonna Show You Crazy by Bebe Rexha. Middle one is because of his future version missing Tom.
- he doesn't have to blink but he does anyways. Same with eating and drinking. And sleeping. Kind of.
- he still has the harpoon he died from.
- his eyes are silver before one of them gets hurt. Then, that one turns red with blood.
- in the future, he tries to kill himself only one time while spending time in Dreamsworld. He tries to kill himself via sleeping pills but wakes up because he's the fear of life and, like Todd, he can't die.

- he will hiss and meow still in his human form.
- he tries to act badass too much because he thinks people won't accept him for being a sweet and cuddly kitten.
- he's extremely overprotective, like Eduardo.
- he has a bell on his collar that he'll mess with if bored.

- he's the bottom in his relationship.
- he's too nervous to even hold a gun correctly half of the time.
- he's not a very good leader so Pat takes over for Tord while he's gone.
- if he'a yelled at, he'll get scared like some sort of small animal and squeak.
- he's clingy as hell, we've established that.
- his theme song is On My Own by Ashes Remain.
- his eyes are amber colored.

- most of the time, he's 100% done with everything.
- his theme song is Smoke And Fire by Sabrina Carpenter because of his relationship with Paul.
- Pat's the tallest of the entire group, only an inch taller than Matt (it makes Matt salty as fuck)
- his eyes are hazel colored.

- he's a Yandere. Simple. Max even drew him in a Yandere-Chan outfit once.
- tbh, his choker may be a dog collar. No one knows because he never takes it off.
- if he's not being a complete asshole, he's trying to be a charmer despite his fear. He's pretty good at making sexual innuendos. Ask his boyfriend-
- there's a timeline where Jon doesn't die in The End and, when the timeline crossover happens, this fucker is trying to flirt with DW!Eduardo and cheat on his Jon. Eventually, DW!Todd finds out and gets Jon to break up with him, but still. Bitch cheats.
- in the future version of the timeline, he has a tattoo on his arm of a heart with an arrow through it. He would put a certain nickname there but he heard of the whole 'it's stupid to put someone's name on a tattoo'. Tbh, he should have gotten it-
- his theme song is Crazy Stupid Love by My Crazy Girlfriend.
- his eyes, like Edd's, are evergreen.
- I'm not joking when I say this, he once got dog ears and a tail from DW!Tord. Oh, and before then, he was changed into a German Shepard. Idk if that fits him better or a Rottweiler.
- he may be an asshole but he's a big teddy bear if he's tired or around his boyfriend. I stated this in the past book, but DW!Eduardo calls him a squishy muffin.

- his glass shard can be removed from his chest, he just doesn't want to take it out because it hurts him still.
- he's gotta be careful when hugging DW!Todd so that his glass shard doesn't hurt him.
- he's still extremely happy, even if he's dead.
- he felt a bit sad when his Todd moved on from his death to DW!Jon, but he eventually got over it because he got someone new and he knew his Todd was happy now.
- only Mark can see him. No one else.
- he hates Eduardo with a burning passion and wants to haunt him but can't because he's not an angry spirit.
- he hates being short and constantly tries to float up more to make himself look taller.
- his black eye is just a darker shade of blue around his eye in his ghost form.
- his theme song is How To Love by Cash Cash.

- Mark kind of has a reason to hate everyone except for his boyfriend.
- he tries to make his hair not spike up in front like it does but he fails all the time.
- he's actually not that muscular or pudgy, his sweater is just HUGE on him.
- he usually doesn't get a lot of sleep, sadly.
- eventually, he slightly gets used to Jon and starts talking to him normally, still a bit nervous around him.
- his theme song is How To Save A Life by The Fry.
- he has way too many books tbh.
- his eyes are as blue as Matt's.

- in the future version of the timeline, I said he tries to kill himself 11 times. These times are trying to slice his neck open again, jumping off of the roof, drowning himself, overdosing, jumping in front of a car, hanging himself, shooting himself in the head (a second time, he did it once in Dreamsworld because he thought he wasn't good enough for DW!Jon and his bean panicked so badly he got a fever), bleed out from cuts,slicing his stomach open, trying to drink acid, and stabbing himself with a knife. All of these left tolls and scars on his body. He now has more cuts on his arms, his neck bleeds more, his cough is watery, he has a stitched up hole in his chest and his stomach, the front top half of his abdomen if just kind of... open, his mouth foams when he's panicking, he has gunshot wounds going through his temples, he'll sometimes leak blood from his mouth, his arm is broken in half on the lower part and will shift if you squeeze there, and a few of his ribs just kind of float in his chest. He's a walking corpse at that point.
- Jon literally calls Todd and DW!Jon 'like Romeo and Juliet! Just more gay and less stupid' because of DW!Jon trying to overdose and kill himself. Instead of Todd trying to get the pills away, he just put his hand out until DW!Jon panicked and dropped them. Todd explained to him later that he was asking for half of the bottle so he could try to kill himself again with him.
- one of his teeth is probably chipped from, ya know, falling from heights a lot.
- his eyes are burgundy.
- his theme songs are 1-800-273-8255 by Logic and Shinitai-Chan, or Miss Wanna Die.

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