Some facts about the AU

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Eyyy not headcannons, these are just facts about things other han the characters.

I don't know what else to do here anymore other than list the side characters-

- fears turning into dreams and dream's anatomies are fuCKed. Well, their sexual anatomy that is. That was evident with Tom. This is actually for a survival tactic, since there are way more fears than dreams.

- there are normal humans in this world but they're pretty rare. Though, is worth noting that every fear or dream are a normal human until they change into a fear and then change to a dream or stay as a fear

- Dreams don't really give people dreams now. I've changed that. It's just a term to be the opposite of a fear and for being more brother, color wise and personality wise. Fun fact: when the main characters change into dreams, most of him default to their old, cannon timeline personalities. A few of them (Tord, Eduardo, Tom is he can actually be a dream) are nicer.

- Bad dreams are now exclusively characters either born from a fear and a dream, the dream usually being the bottom because fears are too weak to survive that, as shown before, and sometimes (more rarely) a fear and another person who isn't a dream or a fear from the timeline, such as a human. (Bad dreams aren't evil or insane or anything anymore. They're name comes from the original idea of them being a hybrid of fear and dream, it just means they kind of represent a phobia, but not fully. No, Tick and Tac aren't bad dreams. They were born from a parent who was a fear and a parent who was becoming a dream, still making him a fear)

- In some places in the timeline, fears haunting human dreams are strictly illegal where the punishment is death. This may be true for London, I haven't decided yet. That means Ringo's breaking the law if it does, though.

- Dreams can't change back to fears. They may still be able to turn into bad dreams but the statistics are unknown for that.

- it takes at least a few months for a fear to become a dream, at most a few years. The process is slow

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