Maybe some changes?

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These are just some ideas I have for the AU that I may change from their current cannon stance. I don't exactly know yet, but yeah. They're mostly small.

- I may take back Todd's death attempt at drinking acid because I don't exactly like the idea of his stomach being open and his guts kind of... There. His boyfriend would probably flip his shit if he found out and Todd would kind of have to keep his arms over his stomach if his sweater is baggy like I think it is so that his intestines don't spill everywhere and freak people out.

- I may make future!Tord's arm stitches really fucking weak and badly put in so his arm is just really weird to look at and the stitches will easily burst sometimes. Idk what is with me and gore in this AU.

- I may change Eduardo's theme song to 'Mercy' by Shawn Mendes.

- I may make Matt's Hoodie more gray than purple to make him stand out more and make his eyes more of a dull, maybe darker, blue instead of sky blue. Maybe.

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