Another possible change

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I'm not saying this is cannon, but it was discussed.

Max and I may pull a ToddJon on our TomTord ships.

And, but that, I mean that we pair the other up with the opposite AU one.

Let me explain because hat must be confusing.

I said last chapter that FW!Tord x DW!Tom is 100% cannon now in the future timeline, and that still stands.
Max and I discussed the possibility of making DW!Tord and FW!Tom ghosts in the future timeline, as well, and thought about making them EXTREMELY depressed because their Tord and Tom moved on from their deaths and started to fall in love with each other, forgetting about them.
So, we discussed the possibility of making them a cannon couple, to be fair, in the future timeline. We ended on they would be a couple based around having to be there for each other to help them get over their boyfriends (well, in Fearsworld sense, it would be Tord's boyfriend and Tom's husband) falling in love with each other and probably be a fluffy couple.

It's not 100% cannon yet, but it's a slight possibility.

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