Info on future!Tom

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Since Tom is a ghost in the future and has changed a bit, I thought I would list out his info. Kinda just Tom headcannons, tbh.

- he's a blue ghost, like Jon, with the whisp as his legs

- he constantly cries dark blue tears and can't stop no matter what

- he can't communicate with anyone

- low key misses his Tord and is depressed because he moved on

- Eventually is gay for Dreamsworld!Tord. The new gay ghosts

- his voice is extremely small and sounds weak because of how much blood he lost

- he acts a lot more like a sweet mother figure now. Bet you can gUESS WHY-

- he watches over Tick and Tac pretty well

- he's a lot more timid

- no longer a fear?? No one knows, ghosts are weird

- he's no longer extremely sassy and bitchy

- he just wants someone to cry on

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