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These are just a few notes or fun facts about the AU, really.
No, not headcannons.

- I have no clue if I ever mentioned this but the background palette for this AU would be grays and toned colors, which is why the group's hoodies are tones of their original colors. The idea I was going for was everything's kinda dead and bland (like Eddsfaded but the background is faded instead of the characters) and the characters are the colorful-ish ones.

- Eduardo's a memelord because I based him a bit off of my irl friend with the same nickname, who's also a memelord. So I thought, why the fuck not add that on?

- first character to be completely thought up was the first draft of Edd, back in the headcannons book. First character to be thought out and kept was Tord's classic timeline version before the future shit happens. Edd was second, Matt was third, and Tom was fourth because I had a lot of ideas for him and ended up scrapping them until I came across the fear of alcohol and thought of a way for it to work.

- a few of the characters are based around songs or song genres that I listened to as I worked out their characters.

- Tord was actually going to be the yandere for the AU at first because that's a stereotype for his character by now; possessive, would kill for his lover, etc. I ended up changing it to Eduardo because I thought it would be more like him, since, he would probably be scared of loosing a lover again and he only way his fucked up mind can deal with that is murder.

- Out of the main four, I think Edd's design has changed the most. He started out as a slightly taller character, about Tom's height, with shorter brown hair and a normal sized hoodie. I just kinda took his design and made him more like a kid, I guess, and I don't regret it.

- Anatomy is fucked in this universe, you should know that by now because of Tom's death.

- I based Todd around my typical view of classic Todd, which is just depressed and suicidal all the time. I just amped that up by a thousand.

- Jon was originally supposed to be a bit of a dick because I was trying to fit his fear into his personality. I changed that before my first draft, though, and made him nicer and just scared of his fear instead of acting upon it like others.

- I'm mean to literally EVERY character here. I made Edd, Matt, and Tord depressed because Tom dies, I make Edd reluctant to accept the fact that, later on, Tord moves on from their Tom, I'm thinking about killing Medd off because I haven't made Edd and Matt suffer enough, I've broken the timelines apart and made that severely impact the neighbors, I've made Paul and Pat go through hell in their relationship, everything. But, the moment Max makes a feels AU where the main victims are our Eduardos, I instantly seem to go against that and give them a happy-ish ending. What the fuck, me? I'm nice to the one asshole.

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