Main characters

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I'm going to re-list the main characters, their full names, their fears, their looks, and how they act now, as well as how they are in the future point in the timeline. This is the most updated version of their true personalities.

Edd- Full name is Edward Forget-Me-Not, and he's the fear of being forgotten or ignored, which is athazagoraphobia. He's the shortest male of the group and still the leader. He looks mostly the same from normal Edd, except that his hair is more fluffed up and his hoodie is a darker tone of gray-green and is bigger, the sleeves going past his hands when he normally wears it. He got this fear by his crush forgetting him due to using Tord's memory eraser gun by accident and gaining short term memory loss. He's mostly quiet but will speak to people he's close to; mostly seeming shy, but has a bit of hidden rage to him. He just wants what's best for his friends and him. He's cannoningly shipped with Matt from the AU. He's an alcoholic who drinks a substance Dreamsworld!Edd made for him, which he calls Fearshine (a mixture of fear and moonshine). He ends up becoming a dream (fears, in this world, are considered to be nightmares since they can haunt dreams. Dreams are an opposite species that happen when a fear gets over their phobia, making them mostly happy and more colorful) in the future version of the timeline.

Matt- Full name is Matthew Reflect, and he's the fear of oneself or autophobia. Normally, he is a mostly happy character who, like Edd, just wants what's best for everyone. He looks the same as normal Matt, expect that his hoodie is a bit more grayish-purple than normal. Due to his fear, Matt can no longer see himself in mirrors or show up on cameras, but that doesn't exactly stop him from thinking he's the most handsome man ever and being a complete narcissist. No one knows how he got his fear and he has short term memory loss thanks to shooting himself with Tord's memory eraser gun by complete accident. He ends up gaining his memories in the future, though, and becomes a dream, along with Edd, also becoming a bit more stronger in that point and becoming more badass and protective. He is cannoningly paired with Edd from this AU.

Tom- Full name is Thomas Toxin and he is the fear of alcohol, or dipsophobia. Tom is more secluded and closed off, always having bags under his eyes due to lack of sleep and stress. His fear makes him unable to drink alcohol, but he does it anyways without a care or snapped out of the world. When he comes back, though, he will instantly have a panic attack and force himself to throw up the alcohol, even if he has emetophobia, which is the fear of vomiting. Only one person can calm him down at his point and snap him out of his loop, which is Tord, who he is cannoningly paired with. He wears a tone of dark blue, not too bad, it mostly looks the same, and looks the exact same, other than bags being under his eyes, like stated before. He gained his fear by drinking too much and passing out, almost killing him for alcohol poisoning before Tord found him and rushed him to a hospital. In the future version of the timeline, Tom is married to Tord. He dies due to (Yeah, this AU fucks logic) having two kids with Tord, when fears are scientifically too weak to have children. He bled out as Tord rushed him to the Red Army base to try to bring him back. He fails, Tom passes away, and is now stuck as a forever weeping ghost over his lover wanting to die and leaving his children behind. He eventually ends ups paired with Dreamsworld!Tord, since he has become a ghost as well, and they bond over their boyfriend and their husband moving on from their deaths and falling in love withe each other. Tom is still a monster, but he looks more like the fan version of Tom and is aqua instead of dark purple.

Tord- Full name is Tord Suicide, and he represents the fear of death, or thanatophobia. He still caused the incident for the group, but one thing was different. Tom's harpoon didn't miss him, it went right though his chest. Tord dies on the hill, his last words screaming that he didn't want to die yet. After being dead for a minute or so, he got up, no signs of life still except for his eyes and his movements, and pulled the harpoon out of his chest. Tord has a messed up, completely red and ripped up eye, as well as blood scars littering the side of his face and his arm, where his hoodie is ripped. He can still look with his eye and move his arm completely. He now, also, has a bloody hole in his chest that you can see right through. He has no heartbeat and can't exactly breathe. He has smaller pupils, making him look insane, and his hoodie is more of a tone of red than blood red. He acts mostly the same, just more spastic and protective, feeling horrible for what he did to his friends. He's the only one that can calm Tom down and is cannoningly shipped with him. In the future timeline, he is still the Red Leader who controls most of the world. He's extremely depressed due to Tom dying, but is forced to not kill himself because he has to take care of their kids, Tick and Tac. He eventually gets over his own Tom and is shipped with Dreamsworld!Tom after Dreamsworld!Tord dies. It was talked about DW!Tom and FW!Tord getting married in the far off future, but it's unsure if that is cannon yet. In the future, he is no longer scared of death and is now scared of living, making him the new biophobia at the time. In the future, he wears his army suit more and his arm and face is stitched up (since they started bleeding when his fear type changed and didn't stop) with bandages wrapped around them. If you hit Tord in the stomach or chest, it will badly hurt him, due to his blood pooling in his center. If you hit his arm or leg or face, it won't hurt as much.

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