Important change!

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Alright, so, something is gonna change in the future point of the timeline now because Max and I talked for a bit.

So, spoilers...?

In the future point of the timeline, TOM IS NO LONGER STUCK IN A COMA AND GETS OUT OF IT WITH AMNESIA!

INSTEAD, Tom actually bled out after having Tick and Tac and COULD NOT be revived.
This is because of a new ship Max and I planned for our AUs.
Now, the future version of Tord is paired up with dreamsworld!Tom, due to Dreamsworld!Tord being dead and killed by DW!Edd.

We decided to do this after me bringing up a random point of shipping them and getting Max on board until we decided to ship them in the future version of the timeline, thinking it would be best for both of them since DW!Tom lost his Tord (even if he did end up hating him) and FW!Tord has severe depression because of his Tom, now, actually dying.
So, they would benefit each other by helping each other out of the depressive ruts.
This also means Tick's fear will change, but I have no decided what it will be yet, though I have an idea of him being the fear of trusting someone, signaling he's scared of trusting DW!Tom and officially saying he's a part of his family.

This is 100% cannon in our timelines now.

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