Already Taken: The Keys #2

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Life for Kyle Hall couldn't be better. She and her cousins, Malakai and Kiran, form the band The Keys and their recent success at the Annual Red Cross Charity Concert has landed them a major gig. The Keys are going on tour with the world's biggest boy band One Direction. Plus they've just signed a recording deal with SYCO Music. She gets to hang out with five gorgeous and famous guys plus live her lifelong dream. Her life couldn't be more perfect right?

Wrong. Kyle is majorly confused. She has a boyfriend Brian but after a few "accidents" Kyle's thinking maybe she should walk away. And then there is Harry Styles. She can't help but be attracted to him because he's so sweet and charming and not to mention hot! But Kyle doesn't think Harry could ever like her like that so she buries her feelings and toughs out her relationship with Brian if only because she's afraid of what he'll do.

Harry Styles has gotten pretty much everything he's wanted in life. He's part of the world famous One Direction living his dream along with his four best mates. But there is one thing or most specifically someone Harry wants but can't have and her name is Kyle Hall. Sweet bubbly Kyle has turned his world upside down. She's beautiful and fun and innocent plus she has the voice of an angel. The only problem? She's already taken.

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