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*draco pov*

Hadrian was taking me to hogsmead again today
It's three weeks till christmas
I can't wait... we'll get to see mum and dad and uncle Tommy
I'm not really related to uncle Tommy and uncle sevvy but I've always called them that
Uncle sevvy is my God father
My godmother is aunt Bella
We arrive at hogsmead and I drag harry to zonks
He laughs softly behind me as I drag him towards the sweets
"Only a few baby" he says softly
"Ok" I whisper
I pick out 2 chocolate frogs and a packet of the bean things that the author forgot the name of and we went to pay
Hadrian refused to let me pay and payed himself getting a glare and pout from me
He then grabs the sweets and puts them in his pocket
He then kissed my pout and dragged me to the three broomsticks
He sits down and pulls me so I'm straddling him
"Stop glaring at me draco I'm your mate its my job to look after you... that includes paying for your stuff sometimes" he says
I carry on pouting and glaring
"Dray" he warns
I quickly stop and turn so I'm no longer facing him
I make sure to hide the tears that are threatening to leave my eyes
"Baby what's wrong?" Hadrian asks spinning me around again
I bury my head in his shoulder and mutter that I don't like how he always pays for me
"Dray?" He asks
"I don't like how you feel like you have to always pay.... I have money too" I mutter again
"Dray, I want to buy you thinsgs, your my Lil prince" he said lifting my head up with his fingers
"You sure?" I ask
"Yes, the money you have can be used to spoil any little monsters we have" he said
"Ok" I say smiling
"What else is upsetting you?" He asks
I look at him in surprise
"What?" He says
"How'd...." I mutter
"I'm your mate I can always tell dragon" he says
Our drinks finally arrive and I drink mine quietly with my for head leaning onto Hadri's shoulder
"Home" I say tiredly once I finish
"Cmon then" hadri says standing up and carrying me leaving the money for the drinks and a small tip on the counter and then leaving
Hadri begins the small trek up to the castle
It's a quiet peaceful walk and dudley and Alissa joined us at some point
But of course someone has to destroy said calmness
Weasel and granger of course
"Aww is baby dwaco too tired to walk?" Weasel said
"Shut up weasel" dudley said
Hadrian pushed passed him holding me tighter and quickening his pace
Alissa and dudley following quickly
"Aww is big old hadrian too afraid to stand up for his baby?" Weasel said again
Harian puts me down on the wall close to dudley
He takes out his wand whilst storming up to weasel
"Shut up weasel, or maybe I should make you eat slugs like you made you self do apparently in second year... or maybe give you rainbow hair?" Hadri warned
His hair started to change all different colours and I giggled lightly
Hadri walked back over to us with a smirk that would make uncle sevvy proud
"Ugh! You'll pay riddle!" Weasel said angrily
"Sure weasel" Hadri laughed
We walked up to the castle and into our dorms
"When's the first compertition hadri?"
"Next week, it's a dragon, I can use my parceltoung"
"Ohh... ok"

I'll edit this later

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