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Draco pov

"Hey mother, father" hadrian said walking into their office, I was happily sat on his hip my face in his neck and arms around his neck, hugging him like a koala.
"Hey hadrian, draco, how are you both?" Uncle sevvy asked
"Good" I mumbled into Hadri's shoulder
"Hes tired, wouldn't get out of bed this morning" Hadrian chuckled bouncing me a bit
I whined softly Pushing into his shoulder a bit more, he hushed me quietly and sat in one of the seats and shifted me into his lap
"Right guess we're telling your parents draco now draco" uncle tommy said sitting onto a seat next to mine and Hadrians
"No wanna" I mumble softly looking at my lap "they be mad"
"They won't draco, I promise, both narcissa and I were pregnant when we were your age, dumbledoor stole both children saying we were too young but we'd get to see them once we were out of school, we never got them back, your brother was named  sabastian, and your sister hadrian was called felicity" uncle sevvy said his eyes watering
"I have a big brother? Who was stolen? Like hadri was stolen?" I said leaning into harry, feeling waves of anger coming off of him
"And you didn't think to tell me? You didn't think to say that I have an older sister? That was stolen?" Hadrian said standing up and placing me on his hip
"Hadrian calm down please!" Uncle tommy said standing in front of uncle sevvy protectively
"Draco, you need to calm him down, he won't listen to us"  uncle sevvy said peeking from behind uncle tommy
Hadri growled and I wiggled a bit and tried to go back down
He put me down watching uncle tommy with beady eyes and putting his hand between my shoulder blades, stood in front of him and pushed him lightly backwards
"Hadri please?" I whimpered
His eyes locked onto me, his eyes softer, but still hard.
"Dray?" He muttered
"Stop, calm down" I murmured pushing him to the chair "please"
He agreed and sat down instantly pulling me into his lap, putting his head into my neck
"Let's call your parents dray" uncle sevvy said doing the same with uncle tommy
He stood for a second and prepared the fire and get my parents in the fireplace
Mum appeared a few minutes later
"Hello, why are you calling, it's not usual for you to call this regularly, you only called the other day?" Mum asked
"we have news" hadri said straightening up
"Oh, ok, does lucious need to be here?" She asked
"Preferably yes thank you narcissa" uncle tommy said
"Ok I'll be right back" she said disappearing
Mum ruined with dad on her heels
"Im pregnant" I blurted out once they sat down
I instantly started sobbing and twisted into harry
He turned me around into his lap so that I could cuddle into his chest whilst he stroked my back whispering softly in my ear
"Shh, it's ok, calm down" he murmured
"What?!" I heard my dad say
"M'sorry" I cried
"Not your fault " hadri whispered "I'm sorry mr and Mrs malfoy, it was my mistake, not his, please don't be angry at him"
"Damn right it's your fault, I could bring him back here right now, you'd have no say!" Dad said angrily
"No" I whimpered clinging to hadrian "No,  no, no, no"
I carried on repeting this Hadri wrapping his arms around me hushing me
"And why not! Your 15! Your at no age to have a child and with the tournament going on?" He carried on
"No, no, can't leave, no, no, need stay, no, no, baby needs their father, no, no, no go" I carried on repeting the same reasons why I needed to stay with hadri
"You aren't going any where baby hush" hadrian said pulling me onto his hip and out the room
"Well Done luciois! You sent him into a fit only hadrian can get him out of, and that's if he knows how, and if they have the right equipment, the stuffs different each time! Don't you understand? They can't be separated" we heard when we paused at the door
"You aren't going anywhere baby don't worry" hadrian said walking towards our door
"No go, no wanna go, can't go" I carried on murmuring
"Don't worry angel your staying here" he said speeding up
I carried in murmuring things all the way to out dorm not realising the looks we were receiving
He laid me on our bed, smelling stuff, then throwing them away or cacooning me with them with a space besides me for him to slip into
He grabbed a bear that smelled like him and gave it to me
I instantly hugged it tightly and curled onto my side and into the bear
I was Still murmuring things into the bear when hadri slided next to me on his side wrapping his arms around me
He hushed me and started singing softly
My murmurs slowly stopped and i slowly drifted to sleep

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