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*hadrian pov*

I decided to take draco on a date, I know it's quite a muggle thing to do but for his veela to allow us to mate I'd have to court him, which means dates, presents and proving I'm worthy of his perfection, so Ive decided to take him on a date in the muggle world, to the cinema to watch peter pan, and then a small stroll in a park and a small present or two, I think he'll enjoy it.

*time skip to the next day*

"Dracooooo, I'm taking you on a date so wear something muglish" I said when he got out of bed
"Ok" he said walking over to the wardrobe, "hadriannnn what do muggles wear?"
"Do you want me to pick out your clothes?" I asked from my comfy position on the bed
"Yes please" he said
I got out of bed grabbing him a pair of grey skinny jeans a grey t-shirt that said I believe in magic and some grey converse, I then put on the same outfit only in black,
I stuffed some muggle cash into my pockets that I had picked up yesterday, waited till draco had gotten dressed, and led him downstairs, we flooed to the leaky couldron, but of course I end up quite close but in the wrong floo, I make my way to the leaky couldron quickly, and see draco with someone trying to talk to him, draco shaking his head with watery eyes, I walked over glared at the guy wrapping my arms around Draco's waist,
"Hey baby" I whispered to him,
"Hadri?" He whispered
"Yeah, whose the guy" I asked
"I don't know, he just came over and started being mean" he muttered
"Ok baby, hey you, nuisance guy? Why were you messing with my mate?" I asked the guy
"What?" He said
"My mate, why were you talking to him?" I asked "he clearly didn't want you to talk to him"
"Look dude, how was I meant to know the pretty boy was your mate" he said and then I began to see red
I pushed him into a wall, punched him with the hand that wasn't held up against him
"Don't touch him, talk to him or even look at him again, ok?" I asked in a menacingly nice voice
"K" he grumbled being dropped to the floor
I quickly walked to my shaking mate glaring at anyone who got too close to  him
"Are you ok" I said picking him up and putting him onto a seat and standing between his legs
"Y-yeah" he stuttered 
"do you want to start our day?" I asked
"Yes please" he answered so I led him over to the door glaring at anyone who looked at draco, what? He's mine nobody else should be shared with his magnificence but me? Any way I led him to the cinema and paid for tickets, popcorn and cokes. I took him to our seats sitting in the seat next to him, he whimpered softly.
"what's wrong baby?" I asked
"Wanna sit on your lap" he whispered
"Cmere then" I said moving my arms so he could sit on my lap
He sat on my lap and smiled happily
When the film EVENTUALLY turned on I grabbed the popcorn that had been placed on the seat beside me  and put it onto Draco's lap, for the rest of the movie we sat happily watching the movie.

*time skip to after movie*

"Were we going now?" Draco asked holding my hand and skipping beside me (in a very unmalfoyish manner)
"The park" I said guiding him into the park
"Ok" he said happily 
"Cmon then" I said
We finally reached the park and draco instantly dragged me to the swings sitting on it then frowning
"What's wrong baby?" I asked sitting g beside him
"Does it not work?" He asked confused
"What?" I asked
"In the park near malfoy manor the swings swing" he said
"Ohhh um push your legs against the floor" he did so instantly staring to swing slowly
"Now push your legs backwards and forwards in time with the swing" I said
He did so and the swing beginning to go higher
I copied starting to swing as well
When we both had enough of swinging I took his hand and we went to the ice cream parlour, he had a chocolate brownie cone and I had a strawberry sundae, we walked around the park whilst we ate them, when we had both finished we went to the bathroom to clean up any that had sneaked its way around our mouths, clothes or hands.
Once we'd finished we sat on a bench him cuddled up to my side I gave him a small box containing a small bracelet, it had a few charms on it to stop mind reading, imperious, avada kadavra and crucio as well as some others from working on him.

He hugged me tightly placing a quick kiss on my lips before trying/struggling to put it on, I took it off him placing it on his wrist with ease

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He hugged me tightly placing a quick kiss on my lips before trying/struggling to put it on, I took it off him placing it on his wrist with ease.
After a few seconds draco looked up at me looking sleepy
"home now?" He said
"Ok, piggy back?" I offered
"Yeah" he said stanstanding on the bench, I stood in front of him in a way so he could easily jump on and walked over to the leaky couldron were I flooed us back home, I carried him upstairs placing him onto the bed since he was asleep and went down stairs to speak to everyone, apart from dudley and Alisa who were already asleep.
"How'd it go?" Father asked once seeing me
"Good" I answered sitting beside him
"Did he enjoy it?" Mother asked
"I think so"
"Did he like the bracelet" aunt narcissa asked
"Well he couldn't wait to put it on"
"Did you enjoy it?" Lucious asked
"Yeah, I'm off to bed now" I said
"Night" everyone said
"Night" I replied
I walked upstairs to hear quiet sobbing coming from mine and Draco's room, I ran into our room to see it was draco curled up into a ball, I scooped him up placing him into my lap, he instantly curled into me gripping to my shirt were he calmed instantly and once again falling asleep I led down placing him by my side him cuddling into me instantly and falling asleep.


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